
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  If you suspect acolleague is trying to sink your career, here’s what you’ll want to do.


  Don't assume badintentions.


  “I believe thatwe should be extremely careful and never assume badintentions from the start,” saysAlexander Kjerulf, an international author and speaker on happiness at work.“If that co-worker is ignoring you, he could be sabotaging you–or maybe he’s just reallybusy or he’s having a bad day”.

  “我觉得一开始我们需要十分谨慎,不要用恶意揣测任何人。”研究工作中幸福的世界级作家演讲人Alexander Kjerulf如此说道。“如果那个同事忽视你,有可能是在怠慢你-或只是他正好很忙或者心情不好罢了。"

  Give people thebenefit of the doubt. If we all run around mistrusting others, we end upcreating a miserably unhappy business culture.You’ll want to be absolutely sure that your colleague is trying to hurt yourcareer before you go any further.


  Be alert.


  If curiousthings are happening at work—like you didn’t get that raise you were promisedor colleagues start acting differently around you—you’ll want to think aboutwhether someone might be out to get you (or your job).


  “Sabotage isusually a calculated, strategic methodology,” says David Parnell, a legalconsultant, communication coach and author. “Gossip, an evolved method ofsafely leveling the power of alpha leaders, isusually the weapon of choice for a saboteur. Unfortunately, due to unwrittensocial contracts in the workplace, the subjects of gossip are usually the lastto hear it. So if sabotage is at your doorstep and you’re not actively looking,you can easily miss it. The best way to remedy this is to set your radar for signs of you-centric gossip.”

  ”阴谋通常都是算计好有策略的计划。“法律顾问,交流教练和作家David Parnell说。”八卦,融入领导圈衡量能力的安全方法,同时也是搅局者常用武器。不幸的是,工作环境中没有写出来的一些社交合同,被八卦的人往往都是最后一个知道的。所以如果你感觉到了八卦的气息,也不是很感兴趣,那就忽视吧。最好的补救方式莫过于给你自己的八卦中心设立雷达讯号。

  Confide in aco-worker.


  “Talk to someco-workers you trust,” Kjerulf says. Without vilifying the co-worker you think istrying to harm your career, explain how you see things and ask for theiropinion. “Maybe you’re completely off base and hopefully they’d be able to tellyou so.” Connie Thanasoulis-Cerrachio, a career coach and co-founder ofSixFigureStart, agrees. “Having an objective ear is vital here.”

  Kjerulf说“和那些你信任的同事分享秘密。”别背后中伤你觉得会妨碍你事业的同事,不妨跟你信任的同事说说你看待事物的方式问问他们的意见。“也许你完全乱了阵脚,希望他们告诉你如何是好。”职业训练师,SixFigureStart的合伙人Connie Thanasoulis-Cerrachio说道“有个客观的听众显得格外重要。”

  Take notes.


  Keep notes onwhat is happening so things are clear, in case you end up talking to your bossor HR about the situation, Thanasoulis-Cerrachio says. Also save all relatede-mails.


  Confront theculprit.


  Once you’vediscovered that you are a target, consider yourself warned and take action to mitigate any damages, Parnell says. “Oneof the best ways to protect yourself is ingratiation. Guilt, empathy and sympathy are powerful motivators and themost direct way to extract them is by befriending your saboteur and gaining aposition within their camp. While on the face this may seem weak, some of themost powerful nations in the world use this very method to infiltrate andovercome an enemy.” In the words of Michael Corleone, “Keep your friends closeand your enemies closer.”

  一旦发现你成为了目标,要让自己警惕起来,免于任何的伤害。Parnell说“保护自己的最好方式就是讨好。负罪感,同理心和同情心是强有力的推动器,也是和搅局者成为朋友的最直接方式,能在他们的阵营中获得一席之地。也许面子上看有点弱势,但世界上最强大得国家莫不是用这个方法来渗透战胜了敌人。”用Michael Corleone的话来说,“和朋友保持亲密,和敌人更加亲密。”

  Don't sabotagethe saboteur.


  If you suspectsomeone is trying to sabotage your career, be the bigger person. “Don’t be thatperson who sabotages others,” Kjerulf says. “Make it a priority to be there foryour co-workers, to always be willing to help, to offer advice and to help themdo better work and have more fun on the job—no matter how they treat you. If weall go in with that attitude, we’ll create much happier and more profitablecompanies.”


  Take it to yourmanager or HR.


  If all elsefails and you’re not able to resolve the issueon your own, take it to your manager or Human Resources department.


  Keep youroptions open.


  If a situationis toxic and isn’t improving, perhaps youshouldn’t be there. “A smart person always has an updated resume and is alwaysnetworking to find better positions,” Thanasoulis-Cerrachio says.

