
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  YOUR BOSS SAYS: "Too edgy"老板说:太急躁了

  WHAT IT MEANS: Plainly put, you're not friendly enough. Managers don't see you as approachable, which may be hindering your career.背后含义是:老实说,你不够友善。经理们觉得你不容易靠近,这种看法或许会阻碍你的职业生涯。

  Quick fix: Smile more and make an effort at deskside chitchat.补救办法:多微笑,试着与别人多聊天。

  YOUR BOSS SAYS: "Lack impact"老板说:印象不深

  WHAT IT MEANS: Shyness (being passive in meetings, waiting to be asked questions) can be confused with indifference. As a result, others don't solicit your opinions.背后含义是:胆怯(在会议中不积极,等着被问问题)会让别人误认为冷漠。结果别人不会再征求你的看法。

  Quick fix: Swallow your anxieties and pipe up with ideas.补救办法:放下焦虑担心,说出自己的想法。

  YOUR BOSS SAYS: "Too emotional"老板说:太感情用事了

  WHAT IT MEANS: You gesticulate and raise your voice when championing ideas, which suggests you're not in control.背后含义是:当讨论观点时你手势过多还提高音量,会让别人认为自我控制力不够。

  Quick fix: Make more eye contact and use just one hand to reinforce your points - it's not as pushy.补救办法:有更多眼神交流,在强调观点时用一只手辅助即可——这样显得不是那么强势。

  YOUR BOSS SAYS: "Too laid-back"老板说:太松散了

  WHAT IT MEANS: You may not be dressing professionally, are overly familiar with colleagues, or don't convey a sense of urgency about work.背后含义是:你可能穿的不职业化、和同事混的太熟、没有传达出对工作的紧张和重视。

  Quick fix: Step up your game with a new suit, quit schmoozing, and walk with purpose.补救办法:穿新的职业装继续工作进程、不再闲谈、明确目标。

  YOUR BOSS SAYS: "Too risky"老板说:太冒险了

  WHAT IT MEANS: Your idea of innovation may not align with your company's vision. Your big ideas may be unworkable.背后含义是:你创新的想法可能与公司目标不一致。你惊天动地的想法或许行不通。

  Quick fix: Watch the office all-star and what elements of her pitches perk the boss's ears.补救办法:观察办公室红人的做事方法,以及老板会采纳她哪些方面的建议。

  YOUR BOSS SAYS: "Need to be more assertive"老板说:要更独断

  WHAT IT MEANS: Your voice is not projecting confidence - you speak too softly, engage in baby talk, or end every statement with a question mark.背后含义是:你的声音听起来并不自信——说话没底气,有无关紧要的话,或者每个观点都以问句结尾。

  Quick fix: Raise your voice, enunciate, and stop doubting yourself.补救办法:提高音量、清晰表达、别再怀疑自己。
