
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【 - 学人智库】

  注:I’m afraid也可以作插入语,放在后面。例如:

  I can't help you, I'm afraid. 我帮不了你的忙, 对不起。

  (2) I’m afraid so.(=yes) 恐怕是的。例如:

  “Have we missed the train?” “I'm afraid so. (=I'm afraid we’ve missed the train.)” “我们误了火车了吗?”“恐怕是误了。”

  (3) I’m afraid not.(=no) 恐怕不是的。例如:

  “Was she impressed with our work?” “I'm afraid not. (=I'm afraid she was impressed with our work)” “我们的工作能给她留下印象吗?”“恐怕不能。”

  B. 作宾语补足语

  It made you afraid to step out of your house. 这使你不敢走出你的家院。

  C. 作状语

  Afraid of being cut off, they lost no time in turning back. 为怕给敌人切断,他们急忙撤了回来。


  1. be [feel, look, seem, sound, become, grow] afraid。例如:

  She whispered (to me) that she felt very afraid. 她小声(对我)说她觉得很害怕。

  2. make sb afraid。例如:

  What has made you so deeply afraid of your boss?

  3. a little(Am.E) [a bit(Am.E), a little bit(Am.E), almost, awfully, deadly(Am.E), deathly(Am.E), deeply, desperately, extremely, genuinely, half, just, mortally, much, physically, rather, really, secretly, slightly, simply, suddenly, terribly, truly, very, very much] afraid。例如:

  She was tense, almost afraid to open the letter. 她很紧张,几乎不敢打开信。

  He was half afraid to look at her. 他有点不敢看她。

  You do know, don't you? You are just afraid to tell me. 你确实知道,不是吗? 你只是不敢告诉我。

  ■ 注:有的语法专著认为very不能修饰afraid;只有 much 或very much才可修饰afraid。例如:Michael Swan著Practical English Usage (International Student’s Edition Eighth impression 2002)p28:

  We often use very much instead of very before afraid, especially when I’m afraid means ‘I’m sorry to tell you’. 在afraid前面,经常用very much,而不单用very。如果I’m afraid 用来表示I’m sorry to tell you,尤其如此。

  但实际上,现在英美语中都能用very 修饰afraid。

  (1) 在BNC(英国国家语料库http: / /

  和BUY-BNC BRTISH NATIONAL CORPUS (UK,1980s-1993) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University ) http: / / / bnc / 上共有26 例 very afraid


  (http: / / corpus.byu / oed / )上共有1例very afraid

  (3) 在BUY CORPUS OF AMERICAN ENGLISH (1990-2008) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University)

  (4) 在TIME CORPUS OF AMERICAN ENGLISH (1923-2006) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University ) (http: / / / time)上共有12例very afraid

  4. afraid for...。例如:

  He is afraid for his own safety. 他担心自己的安全。

  5. afraid of。例如:

  Charlie is afraid of marriage. 查理害怕结婚。

  6. afraid about。例如:

  He is afraid about what will happen.他担心将来发生的事。

  7. nothing to be afraid of 没什么可害怕的。例如:

  Go ahead! There's nothing to be afraid of. 干吧!没有什么可怕的。

  8. be afraid of one's own shadow(= be very timid) 很胆小; 非常胆怯。例如:

  He had noticed that the horse was afraid of his own shadow. 他已经注意到这匹马很胆小。


  1. be afraid of doing sth. 和be afraid to do sth.

  (1) Michael Swan著Practical English Usage (Third Editiion)p277:To talk about fear things that happen accidentally, we prefer afraid of +-ing.(表示害怕会偶然发生什么事,一般用afraid of +-ing。)

  I don’t like to drive fast because I’m afraid of crashing. 我不爱开快车,因为怕撞车。

  In other cases we can use afraid of +-ing or afraid +infinitive with no differenceof meaning.(其他情况下,既可以afraid of +-ing,也可以用afraid +动词不定式,意思并无不同。)

  I’m not afraid of telling / to tell her the truth. 我不怕把真实情况告诉他。

  (2) 【日】田中茂范等编《外研社英汉多功能词典》(杨文江等编译 外语教学与研究出版社 2008年7月第1版)p39:表示不受害怕主语意志控制的不测事态时,用of doing,其他情况用 to do和 of doing均可。但是表示“害怕某结果而不敢做……“时主要用to do。

  (3) 葛传槼编著《英语惯用法词典》(新修订本)(时代出版社 1958年9月初版)p29-30:

  “afraid” 后面接infinitive作“怕……”或“不敢……”解;“afraid”后接“of”和 gerund通常做“恐怕将……”解,但也往往作“怕……”或“不敢……”解。如“afraid to die”是“怕死”或“不敢死”;“afraid of dying”通常是“恐怕将死”,但也往往作“怕死”或“不敢死”。

  “afraid to see him”是“怕见他”或“不敢见他”; “afraid of seeing him”通常是“(不要见他而)恐怕不免见他”,但也往往作“怕见他”或“不敢见他”解。假定你很怕伤风,该说“afraid to catch cold” 或“afraid of catching cold”;假定你衣服穿的少,恐怕要伤风,该说“afraid of catching cold”。

  (4) A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet著A PracticalEnglish Grammar (第四版) (外语教学与研究出版社 1991年2月第1版)p238:

  be afraid of + gerund

  Here the gerund usually expresses an aqction which the subject fears may happen. It is normally an involuntary action(这里动名词常常表示主语担心发生的事情。这些常常是无意让发生的事情):

  She avoids lonely streets. She is afraid of being mugged. 她避免在没人的马路行走。她怕遭抢劫。

  be afraid +infinitive means that the subject is / was etc. too frightened to perform the action. This is obviously a deliberate action(被afraid+不定式表示主语非常害怕,以至不敢采取某一行动。这些通常是有意让发生的动作):

  He was afraid to jump. 他不敢跳。(他没跳。)

  (5) 陆谷孙主编《英汉大词典》(第2版) (上海译文出版社2007年3月第1版)p33:

  (afraid) 后接“of+动名词”结构一般只表示“怕做某事”的意思;如后动词接不定式则侧重表示“因为担心后果严重而不敢也不愿做某事”。如He is not afraid of dying.和 He is afraid to die.两句,虽都可译作“他不怕死。”但前者只是说出一个事实,后者则包含诸如“他心甘情愿地去赴死”之类更近一层的意思;又如She was afraid of waking her husband. 和She was afraid to wake her husband.两句,虽都可译作“她生怕把丈夫弄醒了”,后一句又包含“考虑到可能招惹丈夫发怒的后果而不敢弄醒”之类的意思。

  2. afraid, frightened, fear

  (1) afraid是普通用语,概念广泛。多用于习惯,经常 的“惧怕”某些事物,或泛指一种“恐惧心理”; frightened 常指一种突然的而且通常是暂时的惧怕,也可表示持续的恐惧与担忧;fear作动词,但不如前两者常用,常暗示由于惧怕而不敢做某事,或让恐惧影响自己的思想或行动。例如:

  I’m afraid to say what I think. 我不怕说出自己的想法。(意即:无顾虑)

  At the sight of the tiger, the little girl was too frightened to escape. 看见老虎,那个小女孩儿吓得都不敢逃走了。(突然的、暂时的惧怕)

  She’s always frightened when she’s alone in the house. 她一个人在家时,总是很害怕。

  Fearing he might be recognikzed, he decided to adop a diguise. 他因为怕被人出来,决意化妆。(由于惧怕而不以本来面目出现)

  (2)在口语中 be afraid 和 fear 也可表示“恐怕”或“怀疑”。例如:

  I’m afraid it will be too late if we hesitate any longer. 如果我们再犹豫不决,恐怕会太晚了。