
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【 - 学人智库】


  1. 在句中只可用作表语,不可用作定语,常跟在系动词be, feel, seem等之后作表语。例如:

  Don’t be afraid. Everything will be all right soon. 别害怕。一切很快就会好的。

  She seems afraid. 她好像有点害怕。

  2. afraid一般不能用副词very修饰,而要用much或very much修饰。例如:

  He is very much afraid of losing his job. 他很害怕失业。

  3. be afraid of后接人或事物的名词,表示“害怕某人或某物”。例如:

  Are you afraid of dogs? 你害怕狗吗?

  She seems very much afraid of him. 她好像很害怕他。

  We are not afraid of any difficulties. 我们不害怕任何困难。

  4. be afraid for sb. or sth. 表示“为某人或某物担心”。例如:

  We are afraid for her safety. 我们为她的安全担心。

  5. be afraid to do sth. 和be afraid of doing sth. 的含义有所不同。be afraid to do sth. 表示“因害怕而不敢做某事”;be afraid of doing sth. 表示“怕做某事”。例如:

  The mother closed the door quietly, as she was afraid to wake up the baby.


  The mother closed the door quietly, as she was afraid of waking up the baby.


  6. be afraid+that 从句表示“担心……”。例如:

  He is afraid that she will not come. 他担心她不会来。

  7. 在日常口语中,I’m afraid that…在很多场合相当于I’m sorry, but…, 用于提出异议,说出令人不快的事实,拒绝对方的要求等,使语气委婉。例如:

  I’m afraid that I can’t agree with you. 恐怕我不能同意你的意见。

  I’m afraid you are wrong. (You are wrong, I’m afraid.) 恐怕你错了。

  8. 在口语中I’m afraid so 和I’m afraid not常用作简略答语,so代替一个肯定句,not代替一个否定句。例如:

  ——Is it going to rain tomorrow? 明天会下雨吗?

  ——I’m afraid so. 恐怕要下雨。

  [小试牛刀] 根据汉语意思完成句子

  1. 那个小女孩很害怕蛇。

  The little girl ____ ____ ____ ____ snakes.

  2. 他为他儿子的身体担心。

  He ____ ____ ____ his son’s health.

  3. 恐怕我明天不能参加你的聚会。

  ____ ____ ____ I can’t come to your party tomorrow.

  4. 她晚上不敢单独出去。

  She ____ ____ ____ ____ ____at night.

  5. “今晚你能来吗?”“恐怕不能来。”

  ——Can you come tonight?

  ——____ ____ ____.

  Key: so afraid of afraid for 3.I’m afraid that afraid to go out 5.I’m afraid not