not only but also的用法

学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【 - 学人智库】

  not only...but also 是英语中常见的一对连词, 相当中文的“不仅……而且”。下面将它的用法作一个归纳。

  1、not only … but also 和两个部分, 通常必须是对称的并列成分。例如, 连接两个主语、连接两个状语等等。

  Not only Mr Lin but also his son joined the Party two years ago.


  I not only play tennis but also practise shooting.

  我不仅打网球, 还练习射击。 (连接两个谓语动词)

  He plays not only the piano but also the violin.

  他不仅弹钢琴, 也拉提琴。 (连接两个宾语)

  They speak English not only in class but also in the dormitory.

  他们不仅在课堂上说英语, 在宿舍里也说。(连接两个地点状语)

  注意 :下列句子是不规范的用法:

  He not only plays the piano but also the violin.

  因为not only plays the piano 与 but also the violin 在语法结构上不对称。

  2、 not only 位于句首时, 该句的主语和谓语要部分倒装。

  Not only does the sun give us light but also it gives us heat.

  太阳不仅给了我们阳光, 也给了我们热量。

  Not only did he speak English correctly, but also he speaks it fluently.

  他不仅英语说的正确, 还说得流利。

  Not only is this young man clever but also he is hardworking.

  这个小伙子不仅聪明, 也很勤奋。

  3、not only … but also 不能用在否定句中。例如:

  他们既不怕苦, 也不怕死。

  误 They don't fear not only hardship but also death.

  正 They fear neither hardship nor death.

  正 They don't fear either hardship or death.

  4、not only … but also 连接两个名词作主语时, 谓语动词要根据but also 后的名词决定单、复数(就近原则)。例如:

  Not only the students but also the teacher was against the plan.

  不仅学生们, 还有那位老师都反对该项计划。(the teacher was...)

  Not only the teacher but also the students were against the plan.

  不仅那位老师, 还有学生们…… (the students were)

  5. not only 不能拆开使用, 但 but also 却可以分开使用。例如:

  The area was not only hit by an unexpected heavy rain, but some bridges were also washed away.


  6、在not only...but also 搭配中,可以只用but 或只用also, 甚至可以把 but also 都省略掉。例如:

  I not only heard it but ( also ) saw it.


  He was not only compelled to stay at home, ( but ) also forbidden to see his friend.


  She not only finished the task ahead of time, ( but also ) she came to help us.


  7、可以用 but … too / as well 替代but also. 例如:

  She not only sang well but danced gracefully too ( or as well ) .


  8、还可以用 besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition 等替代 but also. 例如:

  Not only was there no food, but also (或 furthermore, besides, moreover, in addition ) there was no water.


  9、可以用 merely, just, simply 等替代 not only 中的 only. 例如:

  They not merely ( 或 just, simply ) broke into his office and stole his books but also tore up his manus cripts.


  10、not only ... but also ... 相当于... as well as ... 结构。两者强调的都是后面那一部分的内容,翻译时 要先译 as well as 后面的词。例如:

  The child is not only healthy but also lively.

  ( = The child is lively as well as healthy. )


  It concerns not only me but also you.

  ( = It concerns you as well as me. )

  这件事不但与我有关, 而且也与你有关。