
学人智库 时间:2018-01-17 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

Bring It Up Early 趁早提起

It's a safe bet that a potentialemployer will probably ask why you left your last job at some point in the

interview. Divulgethe facts when you're prompted, but don't be afraid to mention it earlier. "Tell me about

yourself" is one of the most common conversation topics in an interview, so while giving your answer also

mention your reason for not having a job —even if it's because you were laid-off.


Take the Pressure Off 别紧张

Receiving a pink slip is never good news, but if you were let go because your company was dealing with tough

financial times that caused a group layoff, explaining yourself to a potential employer is pretty simple.

Quell your interviewer's doubts by stating your company let go "x" percent of the workforce. If the

percentage isn't substantial but money led to your departure, just say your department was restructuring and

your job was eliminated.

