
学人智库 时间:2018-01-17 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


2016年新春佳节即将来临,根据国务院关于2016年春节放假安排,结合公司的实际情况,公司将于2016年 2月 7日 13日放假,共7 天。2月8 日上班,2月

14 日需补班。

2016 Spring Festival is approaching, according to the State Council on 2016 Spring Festival holiday arrangements, combined with the actual situation of

the company, the company will be in February 7, 2016 - 13 days off, a total of 7 days. February 8th to work in February 14th to fill the class.



Please make arrangements for the relevant work, such as the need to arrange for staff to work overtime during the holiday, please submit the list of

persons to the HR and Admin department for 1 days in February. At the same time, the need to ask for leave in advance of the work of their own, and the

department heads agreed, in January 20 days before the leave to the front desk, thank you!



1. 春节放假前夕,请大家离开办公室时确保关闭电脑、仪器等电源,避免安全隐患;

1 on the eve of the Spring Festival holiday, please leave the office to ensure that the computer, equipment and other power, to avoid potential safety


2. 请妥善保管好重要文件等,个人贵重物品等请勿放办公室内,做好防盗工作;

2 please take good care of the important documents, etc., personal valuables, etc. do not put the office, do a good job security;

3. 放假期间回家、探亲或外出旅游的同事应提高安全意识,注意交通安全及人身、财产安全,并按时返回工作岗位。

3 during the holiday home, visiting relatives or traveling colleagues should improve the safety awareness, pay attention to traffic safety and personal,

property safety, and return to work on time.


Here, I wish you and your family a happy holiday!