You are haappier !作文350字

时间:2023-05-05 03:47:13 350字作文 我要投稿
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You are haappier !作文350字

  If you know that you have loved him to be happy , then everything is enough, even if he no longer love you and what is the relationship for him . You also want to be happy. When he does not love your time, not in front of others say he is good, especially for your mutual friends, because he and continue to love others rights, also need to his social circle, be open-minded. After all, he is the person you once loved . When he does not love you ,also must bless him ,and must be sincere ,regardless of the gain and loss. In the time to help him , or as generous as before , do not mean. With love, we should not have hate. Love is beautiful, hate is cruel. Why let the most beautiful things in life to hurt ? Also must not feel unfair. A separate and forgotten ,you is not fair , he gave up and lost the one so loves his girl. But you just lost a can not love you , but get a fresh start in life apportunities. You are not happier than you are.

You  are  haappier !作文350字

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