You are Fairly Rich

时间:2023-05-04 21:28:07 其它英语写作 我要投稿
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You are Fairly Rich

----Why am I rich? Perhaps you would ask.

----The money? The knowledge? The vigor?

----No! None is right.

Think about the following questions carefully.

----Why did you have the chance to come to the wonderful world?

----Why are you growing up healthily and happily without worrying?

----Where is your shelter when you face the things unknown or even dangerous?

----Who love you very much and take care of you all the time?

----Your parents!

From the time you were born till now, your father and mother have done almost everything to make you happy and growing healthily. Your T-shirt is always clean and the food always tastes delicious. You are fully praised and encouraged, so you become brave to face the world. You are curious to learn. But you may not know you are the pride to your parents.

When you are growing up, you become able to think by yourself. You don’t always obey your parents, even be against them. You have ever shouted at them: “You can’t understand me! You are out-of-date!”

Yes, sometimes you and your parents can hardly reach an agreement. You feel the generation gap. Actually, you know, what your father and mother do is considered to be helpful and useful to you. They just try to guide you to the right direction and help you cross the dangerous sea of life.

You have known the critical point. That’s great.

Only because you or one of your parents is hot-tempered that you have to have an argument. It’s nothing serious. Since you use the word “understand” frequently, why not try to understand your parents? You and your parents are equal, aren’t you?

You feel pink in the heart when memories of home come flooding, when you dial the familiar number and hear the tender voice over the phone. Yes, that’s the precious gift your parents bring you. Now your father and mother’s hair turns gray. They lost much of the vigor and power they had before, which has been passed to you already. You have noticed but just too busy to bother that. Though your parents expect nothing from you, do please be grateful and hard-working, ----maybe it is the best rewards.

It’s lucky to live in the beautiful world;

It’s nice to enjoy the warm season;


You are really rich to have the music, the sunshine and the youth;

You are fairly rich to have your parents

----Who love you that much!



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