
时间:2023-05-01 18:37:34 教育 我要投稿
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来源 倍可亲论坛




(1)家庭的评价(family values)


Family is an important foundation of a sound society.


( 家庭是良好社会的重要基础。)


To rule a strong country, we should first cement family relationships.


( 要治理强大的国家,我们应该首先加强家庭的关系。)


( 也就是:要治国,先要齐家。)( cement 当动词是巩固 )


There is no material things on this Earth more impor-tant than family.


( 世上没有物质上的事,比家更重要。)


A man‘s first duty is to his family.


( 男人的首务,是对家庭负责。)


Many traditional Chinese hope for a son to carry on the family line.


( 许多传统的老中,希望儿子传宗接代。) ( line = lineage 是家系 )


Home, sweet home ; there is no place like home.


( 家,可爱的家,没有一个地方像家这么可爱。)


East or West, home is the best ; home is where the heart is.


( 不论东方西方,家最好;家是心的所在。)


There is nothing like being home with family mem-bers.


( 与家人在一起比什么都好。)


Tell your family often that you love them.


( 常常告诉家人你爱他们。)


Never hold a grudge against your family ; try to forgive and forget.


( 不可怨恨家人;要设法宽恕,不再放在心上。)


Tell your family members the truth with love and tact.


( 用爱心和圆融的方式,告诉家人事情的真相。)


Remember all unique qualities you love about your family.


( 记得你所爱的家,具有独一无二的特质。)


Open discussion among family members may reduce unnecessary conflict.


( 家人的坦诚商讨,可减少无谓的争执。)


A very close-knit family should support one another through thick and thin.


( 紧密结合的家庭,家人应该甘苦与共。)


( close - knit 是指紧密结合在一起;through thick and thin 是忠贞不渝,甘苦与共 )


Always try to understand your family members and contribute to their happiness.


( 体谅你的家人;为他们的幸福做出贡献。)


The strength of love and support in a family can not be measured by the weight of the wallet.


( 一个家庭的爱和扶持的力量,不是金钱多少可以衡量的。)


( weight of wallet 指钱包里钱的重量 )


A happy family does not necessarily require owning a mansion or an expensive car.


( 幸福的家庭,未必需要富丽堂皇的房子或奢华的汽车。)


A small but warm and cozy home can be lovable.


( 小巧而温暖窝心的家,也是讨人喜爱的。)


Good families will bring up good children to become law-abiding members of society.


( 好家庭就会教养出好孩子,也会变成社会安分守己的分子。)


Many people worry that American family values seem to be on the decline.


( 许多人担心美国的家庭价值观似乎趋向衰退。)


Many women still place emphasis on the importance of homemaking.


( 许多女士仍然强调持家的重要。)


Family members always stand by one another because blood is thicker than water.


( 家庭成员都会彼此扶持,因为血浓于水。)


( stand by 是支持或帮助 )


A happy family can blend love, loyalty, forgiveness, tenderness and understanding together and sprinkle with many laughters.


( 一个幸福家庭要把爱心、忠诚、宽容、温柔和谅解交融在一起,再点缀许多的笑声。)




Parenthood lasts as long as the parents last ; some-times parenthood seems like an eternity.


( 父母身分的持续,就像担任父母一样的长久;有时似乎是无穷无尽。)


Housband and wife are sometimes at odds over par-enting their kids.


( 夫妻有时为了管教儿女而争吵。)


( at odds 是意见不合而失和 )


Enforcing the family rules is part of responsible par-enting.


( 执行家庭的规则,是承担养育儿女责任的一部分。)


Parents should not manipulate their son to do exactly as they want him to.


( 父母不可操纵儿子去做自己希望的事。)


Children‘s lives do not always follow a script their parents have laid out.


( 孩子的生活,不必常常照著父母所订计画的安排。)


( to lay out 是安排;动词时态:lay, laid, laid )


Being a conscientious parent does not always mean being popular.






Good parents are not always popular with their chil-dren.




Parents need to get on the same page and agree on ba-sic rules for kids to follow.




(to get on the same page 是站在同样立场)


Do not play favorites with your children.




Parents should explore what might be behind their children‘s acting out.




(to act out 是指孩子闹情绪)


Many Chinese fathers who wear the pants in the fam-ily should know better parenting skills.




(to wear the pants in the family 是指家里的主人或控制家庭事务者。)


Parenthood can be rewarding and fulfilling provided the couple is well prepared emotionally and financially.




(provided 后面 that 可省去 = if)


What is right for parents is not always popular and what is popular for children is not always right.




Some adult children feel (that)their parents have crossed the line with unsolicited advice.




In parenting, certain limits need to be set and chil-dren should be held to them.




(them 是指 limits)


Try not to be meddlesome and overprotective parents.




Parents like to look out for their children‘s best in-terests and to give advice even when it is not appreciat-ed.


(父母一心顾及孩子的最佳利益,即使孩子不领情,也会给予劝告。)(it 指 advice)


What should a parent do if your child is prone to fly into tantrums?




(to fly into rages 指勃然大怒;rages = tantrums ; prone 是形容词,意思是易于)


Parents should pass along the morals, values and rules they were taught to their next generation.




Parents do not need to please their children by telling them what they love to hear.




Cruel words can erode a child‘s self-esteem like the ocean eats away the shore.




Many Chinese parents have over-emphasized aca-demic achievements, overlooking the cultivation of their children‘s character.




Parents will always try to make the best of what they have for their kids.




(to make the best of something 是充分利用或尽力而为。)


A perfectionist parent can make children‘s lives mis-erable with his / her constant nagging or threats.




Seeking independence is a natural and important part of adolescence.




(adolescence 多指13至16岁的青少年)


Sometimes not arguing with their sulky teenagers is the only choice parents feel that they have.




(teenager 指13至19岁的年轻人)


Communication with your children and maintaining boundaries is critical to their emotional development.




Teenagers today are wrestling with many pressures including being popular and keeping up grades.




Anger or argument with your children may shut off communication, which is a key to reaching them.




Having their parents‘ support through adolescence is the best gift teens can receive.




3)家庭生活 Family life):


Children always love the attention parents lavish on them.


(孩子都喜欢父母在他们身上投注许多关心照料。)(lavish 是大量的)


Young children are resilient ; they can easily adapt to new surroundings.




Most parents are always concerned about their chil-dren‘s safety and welfare.




Some people feel that it takes the whole village to raise a child.


(有人觉得,养育一个小孩,需要全村人民的精力。 )(意谓养育孩子的不易)


The boy is extremely unruly when his mom is around.




(unruly = act up 任性或闹情绪)


Don‘t push your children into things they do not want to do.




The philosophy of "Spare the rod , spoil the child" is still popular among many Chinese couples today.




Kids are innocent victims of parents‘ verbal abuse.


( 孩子是父母口头辱骂的无辜受害者。)


Children respond far better to praise than to punish-ment.


( 孩子对夸奖的反应,要比处罚好得多。)


What would you do if your son is a "little terror"?


( 假如你的儿子是位「小捣蛋」,你要怎么办?)


( "little terror" 是老外称呼调皮的男孩,意谓小捣蛋 )


Children in their "terrible twos" have difficulty con-trolling their emotions and behavior.


( 孩子在「可怕的两岁」时,不容易控制他们的情绪和行为。)


(注:孩子两岁时,到处乱跑,让父母担心跌倒,故常称为 "terrible two" )


From childhood parents should instill their children with the values of honesty, integrity and generosity.


( 父母应该从小开始,逐渐灌输孩子诚实,廉正和慷慨的价值观念。)


Growing up in a Chinese family children face very high expectations from their parents.


( 在中国家庭长大的孩子,面临父母很大的期望。)


Higher academic degrees alone with not guarantee our children‘s future happiness.


( 仅仅只有高学位,不能保证孩子将来的幸福。)


We learned by trial and error and miraculously raised two children of whom we are very proud.


( 我们经过反覆尝试错误,令人惊奇地,教出两位使我们感到自豪的孩子。)


(注:trial and error 本是美国心理学家 E. L. Thorndike 的试错论,认为动物学习是通过尝试错误的渐进过程 )


The doting mother may take a toll on her boy‘s future independence.


( 母亲的溺爱,会影响到男孩将来的独立自主。)


( 也可用 mother‘s doting;动词时态是 dote, doted, doted ; take a toll 是造成危害的意思 = take its toll )


It not a good idea for a parent to take one child‘s side over another.


( 父母对孩子,不应该有偏心的做法。)


( take side 是袒护或偏心 )


Children should not ignore the well-meaning advice of parents or grandparents.


( 孩子不要不听父母或祖父母的忠告。)


A great gift a parent can give is to let a child stretch his/her wings and be independence.


( 父母能给孩子最好的礼物,就是让孩子充分发挥才能和独立自主。)


( to stretch one‘s wings 充分发挥一个人的才能 = to spread one‘s wings )


It is normal for many fathers to be more rough and tumble playing with kid than mothers.


( 许多父亲与孩子游戏时比母亲粗鲁些,那是正常的。)


( rough 是粗鲁; tumble 本意是跌倒 )


When a child recognizes a rival for Mom‘s affection, he/she will try to drive the rival away.


( 当孩子发现母爱被夺去时,他/她就会设法赶走敌手。 )


Parents are the ones who help their children become optimistic and confident.


( 父母是要帮助孩子变成乐观和有自信。)


Kids can successfully get through a rough patch with sound guidance.


( 孩子在良好的指导下 ,会很顺利地度过难关。)


( rough patch = difficult time )


Be ready to answer your adolescent children‘s ques-tions about the birds and bees.


( 要准备好如何回答青少年有关性知识的问题。)


( the birds and bees 指性教育;是较委婉的说法。)


A lot of who you are is because of your parents.


( 你现在是怎样一个人,是由于你父母教养的结果。)


Your life is richer for the pleasure you receive from watching your children live happy lives.


( 看到孩子过著幸福的日子,那种喜悦,使你的生活更加丰富充实。)


In thin materialistic age, simplicity of family life has its own happiness.


( 在这唯物主义的时代里,简朴的家庭生活也有它的乐趣。)


Living your family life by someone else‘s standards is not living at all.


( 依别人的水平去过自己的家庭生活,不算是真实的生活。)


There is an old saying "A son is a son until he takes a wife, but a daughter is a daughter all her life."


( 有句老话说:「儿子是儿子,直到他娶了老婆为止;女儿是女儿,一辈子还是女儿?」)


( 就是说:儿子结婚后,就属他老婆的;女儿较贴心,一辈子还是自己的女儿。)重男轻女的老中,是否同意?


Family life is too precious to harbor resentments toward one another.


( 家庭生活太珍贵了,不可彼此心怀忿恨。)


( harbor = harbour 当动词,是心怀或藏有= bear)


Through conversation parents can offer stress manage-ment tips to help their children cope.


( 藉著交谈,父母可指点孩子如何处理压力。)


Children should be encouraged to do chores such as doing the dishes and taking out the trash, etc.


( 要鼓励孩子做家事,诸如洗碗、倒垃圾等。)


Dinner time is a special opportunity for family to share a meal while conversing about the events of everyone‘s day.


( 吃饭时间是家庭共享一餐的特别机会,同时也可谈谈各人当天的所做所为。)


The proud grandparents always love to babysit for their children‘s newborn.


( 祖父母喜欢为他们儿女的新生儿担任临时保母。)


A solid parent-child relationship is often a strong sup-port for teenagers as they face challenges.


( 父母与子女间的紧密关系,常是青少年面临挑战时的最大支撑。)


Our grandchildren flock a round like bees when we hand out red-envelopes with lucky money.


( 当我们发放红包时,我的孙辈像蜜蜂般的围绕我们。)


The daughter has been the sole focus of her father‘s life for so long, he has a hard time letting go.


( 女儿是她老父长期生活中唯一的焦点,他对这份感情,很难忘怀。)


I always view my family life with optimism : Seeing the cup half full versus the cup half empty.


( 我对家庭生活,常持乐观态度,而非悲观。)


( the cup half full半杯满;指乐观;the cup half empty 半杯空,指悲观;versus 是拉丁文,当介系词 = against,简写为 vs.)












