Thermal Anomalies and Earthquakes: E

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Thermal Anomalies and Earthquakes: Evidence from Wenchuan, China

Earthquake prediction is a difficult problem in Earth sciences. Unsuccessful predictions one after another urged people to explore more synthetic and comprehensive methods for earthquake prediction. The Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere (LAI) coupling theory pays great attention to the processes taking place within the near ground layer of atmosphere. It has achieved great results recently, and can enlighten us about the nature of an earthquake's precursor. Based on the NCEP reaualysis dataset, this paper attempts to track the anomalies of the surface's upward long wave radiation flux (ULWRF), the temperature at the depth of 10cm~20cm below ground surface layer (BGL) and the air temperature at 2 meters above ground surface (AIR) around the time of the strong Wenchuan earthquake. Thermal anomalies were observed before and after May 12, 2008, the time of the Wenchuan earthquake. Perhaps the thermal anomaly that occurred prior to the earthquake can be taken as indicators of the earthquake, hut in view of the complexity of the earthquake phenomena, using thermal anomaly as a precursor should be done with caution.

作 者: Yang Guoan Mi Yuqin   作者单位: Yang Guoan(Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, China;Beijing Jiaotong Vocational and Technical College, Beijing 102200, China)

Mi Yuqin(Beijing Jiaotong Vocational and Technical College, Beijing 102200, China) 

刊 名: 中国地震研究(英文版)  英文刊名: EARTHQUAKE RESEARCH IN CHINA  年,卷(期): 2009 23(1)  分类号: P3  关键词: Thermal anomaly   Earthquake   NCEP reanaiysis data   the Lithosphere-Atmospbere-lonosphere (LAI) coupling   Wenchuan  

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