Alignment techniques for DRAGON-Ⅰ LI

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Alignment techniques for DRAGON-Ⅰ LIA

DRAGON-Ⅰ designed and manufactured by CAEP is a linear induction accelerator which can produce a 20 MeV-3 kA-60 us electron beam. The high performance required for the machine is determined by the beam quality and thus is greatly dependent on the accelerator alignment. In order to reduce the chromatic effect of the beam, the stretched wire technique has been developed to measure magnetic axes of the cells precisely, and the dipole steering magnets have been equipped into each cell to correct its magnetic axis misalignment. Finally, the laser tracker has been used to examine the installation error of the accelerator. In this paper, different alignment techniques and the primary results are presented and discussed.

作 者: DAI Zhi-Yong XIE Yu-Tong LI Hong ZHANG Wen-Wei LIU Yun-Long PAN Hai-Feng ZHANG Lin-Wen DENG Jian-Jun   作者单位: Institute of Fluid Physics, CAEP, P.O.Box: 919-106, Mianyang 621900, China  刊 名: 中国物理C(英文版)  ISTIC 英文刊名: CHINESE PHYSICS C  年,卷(期): 2009 33(9)  分类号: O4  关键词: LIA alignment   beam quality   stretched wire technique  

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