Mr. Li AKA Mad Bomber

时间:2023-05-04 19:19:35 体育英语 我要投稿
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Mr. Li AKA Mad Bomber

Huihui and Nathan Are sitting on round rocks Nathan is…

  慧慧: (对观众)看过对地掷球的介绍,我想大多数人都会联想起小时候玩过的弹球。Hey Nathan, 听说下周末有一场地掷球比赛。

  Nathan: Yea, I know.. Mr. Li, AKA the mad bomber is going to be there. He’s one of the best Bocce players in China.

  慧慧: AKA the bomber? 你是说什么什么轰炸机?

  Nathan: AKA stands for, “also known as” 。

  慧慧: 噢,原来是also known as 的缩写。

  Nathan: 对。So Mr. Li is also known as, or is nicknamed, “the bomber”,just like Shaq is AKA “the shark”

  慧慧: 那看来我还真的得参加这场比赛,结识一下这位高手。

  Nathan: Well, Huihui, we will rise to the occasion.

  慧慧: rise to the occasion?

  Nathan: Right. 全力以赴,Like Muhammad Ali, Schumacher, Gao Min! We will not lose!

  Nathan appears and blows whistle, puts on coaching cap.

  慧慧: Nathan, 不过是场友谊赛. It’s not a big deal.

  Nathan: With that attitude you don’t stand a chance. You know the Mad Bomber said that women don’t make good Bocce players?

  慧慧: 什么? 他要是这么说,咱们可得重新考虑考虑,地掷球可是男女老少皆宜的运动。他怎么能这么专断呢?

  Nathan: Because of him many other women have dropped out of the tournament. I guess maybe that show s that he is right…

  慧慧: No way! 我慧慧打小的弹球功夫,独步我们社区大院。今天我一定要让他知道,玩弹球可不是男人的专利。

  Nathan: That’s the spirit! Now show me your game face.

  慧慧: 什么 face?

  Nathan: Your game face. The expression that will send fear into your opponent.

  慧慧: okay, show my game face! You will be Mr. Li, AKA the big loser!

  Nathan: Mr. Li says that women can’t play
