Emittance coupling driven by space c

时间:2023-04-28 19:45:13 数理化学论文 我要投稿
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Emittance coupling driven by space charge in the CSNS linac

In the conventional design of RF linacs, the bunched beams are not in thermal equilibrium. The space charge forces couple the particle motions between the transverse and the longitudinal directions. Fur-thermore it will cause the equipartitioning process which leads to emittance growth and halo formation. In the design of the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) linac, three cases are investigated using the Hofmann stability charts. In this paper, we present the equipartitioning beam study of the CSNS Alvarez DTL linac.

作 者: YIN Xue-Jun FU Shi-Nian PENG Jun   作者单位: Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, Beijing 100049, China  刊 名: 中国物理C(英文版)  ISTIC 英文刊名: CHINESE PHYSICS C  年,卷(期): 2009 33(9)  分类号: O4  关键词: high current linac   space-charge coupling   beam instability  

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