XAFS applications in semiconductors

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XAFS applications in semiconductors

X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) has experienced a rapid development in the last three decades and has proven to be a powerful structural characterization technique nowadays. In this review, the XAFS basic principles including the theory, the data analysis, and the experiments have been introduced in detail. To show its strength as a local structure probe, the XAFS applications in semiconductors are summarized comprehensively, that is, thin films,quantum wells and dots, dilute magnetic semiconductors, and so on. In addition, certain new XAFS-related techniques,such as in-situ XAFS, micro-XAFS, and time-resolved XAFS are also shown.

作 者: WEI Shi-Qiang SUN Zhi-Hu PAN Zhi-Yun ZHANG Xin-Yi YAN Wen-Sheng ZHONG Wen-Jie   作者单位: WEI Shi-Qiang,SUN Zhi-Hu,PAN Zhi-Yun,YAN Wen-Sheng,ZHONG Wen-Jie(National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230029, China)

ZHANG Xin-Yi(Department of Physics, Surface Physics Laboratory (National Key Laboratory), and Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China) 

刊 名: 核技术(英文版)  SCI 英文刊名: NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNIQUES  年,卷(期): 2006 17(6)  分类号: O57  关键词: X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS)   Local structures   Semiconductor quantum system   Synchrotron radiation  

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