
时间:2021-03-22 10:14:43 自我介绍 我要投稿




英文自我介绍 篇1

  Good afternoon,teachers and professors. It’s my pleasure to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is XXX, I’m from XXX University . My major is Architecture.

  I have a profound love in my major,which is not only practical and useful but also an artwork.

  During my four-year study in the university ,I have built up a solid foundation of professional knowledge. I am a hard working person with perseverance. Also ,I am a student with proper plans for my study and work. When I determined to do something, I will spare no effect to achieve my goals.

  Four years university education gives me a lot of chance to try, to learn and to cooperate with others. I actively participate in academic competition and research projects. It improved my practical ability. And I am a open-minded and kind-hearted person, I have many friends in my campus. I like help others when they’re in trouble. In my spare time, I have many hobbies such as reading books, drawing, traveling, swimming and Yoga. Besides I am also interesting in urban planning, landscape and clothes design.

  All in all, XXX University, with qualified facility and strong academic environment is the university I have long admired. If I am lucky to given chance to study Architecture here, I will devote myself to my major and focus my energy on it.

  That’s all, thank you.

英文自我介绍 篇2


英文自我介绍 篇3

  My name is xxx.xx is my given name. xmeans sweet andx means person, so my name means a sweet-tempered girl. I actually am! But you can call me June, for your convenience, j-u-n-e, it's similar to my Chinese name Jun. I am from Enping, a small city in the southwest of Guangdong Province, near HongKong and Macao. Maybe you have never been there before, it's well known for the hot springs there.

  In 20xx, I got the highest score in the College Entrance Examinations in my city and entered Zhongshan University. My major is Computer Science. My GPA ranks in the top 40% among all students, but I have stronger C++ programming skills than many others. Also, I was the first one to learn Java in my class. I was chosen by a teacher of mine to participate in his project. The project was about a LAN chat room, and I developed the instant messaging system in it. I was the only female student in this project team. Besides study and the project, I worked in the Student Union for two years, first year as a member, next year promoted to be the General Secretary. My colleagues describe me as a reliable and considerate person. IBM is top on my job hunting list for of the reasons you hear every day. I look forward to joining a famous company as it means good training, good pay, and good people to work with, just like you gentlemen!

英文自我介绍 篇4

  You and the interviewer:


  My name is XX. I graduated from the University of XX professional XX. Cheerful, sedate, honest and trustworthy, have a strong sense of teamwork and collective sense of honor; in the life practice. Have been strict with oneself, the English level 4 certificate. During the internship work, can use the knowledge in speaking and writing. Able to skillfully use Microsof Office for efficient office routine.

  In four years in the field of study, I developed a strong character, the character that I've overcome some difficulties in life, learning and enterprising. If I have the chance to be employed, I will be able to receive training at work and realize their own value, striving to work fine, do a qualified staff at the same time, I also realized, and working relationship is established on the basis of the self, I think I have the ability to have the confidence to do the job.

  Will embark on another journey of life, I will strive to improve themselves, improve themselves, give their light and heat in the cause of love, if I have the chance to get recognized by the company, to become a clerk in the office, so I will try my best to finish the work! This is a genuine clerk personal resume from this job, hope that the leadership can resume it to see my passion for clerical work!

英文自我介绍 篇5

  My name is XXX, love my mom and Dad, my father is a civil servant, my mother is a teacher, because of the clothing is very interested, so also opened a clothing store, I am very outgoing, is a very sunny girl. My hobby is playing the piano, hosting, dancing, I hope that in their study and life more conscious, my ideal is to be a successful entrepreneurWe should have dreams that guide us forward. And my dream is to be a surgeon.

  As we all know, a surgeon is a physician who specializes in surgery. And why I am eager about being a surgeon? My reason is simply I think being such a role in our society is helpful to others and very challenging to me. Moreover there is no doubt that seeing a surgical patient getting recover having the aid of our hard work.How can I realize my great dream? In our modern advanced world, I think the only one way and the first step is to get the permission to be a medical student of medical university. So I have to pay great effort into preparing the university entrance examination. And second, as everyone knows, being a medical student is not easy. Lots of books will have to be read and large amount of details required to bear in mind such as anatomy, pathology, physiology, etc. But I will not afraid of this difficulty. The road is just begin.

英文自我介绍 篇6

  My passport is expired and I have to do the new registration.


  What is the difference between a passport and an id card?


  How can I get the visa extension in china?


  My visa was denied


  The flight has been delayed because of bad weather.


  The flight will be delayed because of a heavy rain in our destination.


  We can’t take off because the airport is closed due to poor visibility


  Caac announces the departure of flight 45 to Sydney. passengers who will take this flight please go to gate 7.

  中国民航广播:飞往悉尼的454次航班就要起飞了,请乘坐本次航班的乘客前往7号门登机。 This is the final call for tg flight 260,now boarding at gate 14


  Passengers waiting for their connecting flight to HK please wait at gate 18.your flight is to start in two hour’s time.thank you.


  Would you please give me some water


  What kind of drinks do you have


  A tourist of my group is sick. He feels like vomiting. Can I brother you for some hot water. 我的一个客人晕机了,他想吐。能不能麻烦你给他拿点热水来

  Excuse me. Miss. Can I have some entry cards and customs declarations.


  Will this flight get there on time


  What is the time difference between san Francisco and Beijing


  Please put this airmail sticker on the front the envelope


  I’m afraid your letter has been overweight.


  Be sure to put down the address of receiver clearly


  Do you want to mail it by air or by ordinary mail


  Please fill in how much your things are worth


  I want to change some money, but I do not know how to fill out the exchange memo.


  What kind of currency do you want


  How do you charge for a overseas call to Germany


  I want to connect to room132,mr chen.


  I’ll put you through. sir. sorry sir . The line is busy.


  Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here?


  Would you like to have some wine with your dinner?


  How would you like the steak, rare, medium or well done.

  你喜欢怎样做的牛排,是三分熟 五分熟 还是全熟

  I’d like a restaurant with cheerful atmosphere.


  Excuse me, what would you like to drink wine, beer or whisky?

  请问您要喝点什么 红酒 啤酒 还是威士忌

  Is there a Chinese restaurant around here?


  Do you know any of the restaurants open now?


  I’d like to have some local food.


  I’d like to reserve a table for two at seven tonight .


  Can I have some fruit instead of the dessert



  20xx-07-23 12:20 星期四



  1. 欢迎词&自我介绍:代表本旅行社感谢各位贵宾对我社的信任和认可,选择参加我们团队并简单介绍本社基本情况以及自己为大家服务的决心。

  2. 强调本团集合时间、地点、领队电话和公司应急电话。

  3. 向旅游者说明出境旅游注意事项,外汇兑换事项及手续等,向旅游者发放团队标志并解读《出境旅游行程表》&《旅游服务质量评价表》

  4. 相关的法律法规知识及旅游目的地国家风俗习惯

  5. 向旅游者详实说明各种由于不可抗力、不可控制因素导致组团社不能(完全)旅行约定情况以取得旅游者谅解。

  6. 提醒告诫他们将要到访的每一个国家的注意事项

  7. 向旅游者详细说明如何注意人身&财产安全的问题

  8. 向游客落实住房分配事项

  9. 对游客提出团结互助、礼貌友善支撑领队工作地希望,强调文明礼貌,对以往中国游客的不文明习惯进行点评。

  10. 对旅游目的地天气状况进行介绍,对游客行装配备进行建议。



  1、 行前说明会主要内容及领队应落实的事项。


  2、 出境旅游合同的主要内容。

  答:1)旅游线路 2)费用及包含项目(1、包含项目;2、不包含项目) 3)对旅游服务质量标准的约定 4)退团及损失 5)其他相关责任和提示

  3、 接待社导游向游客推荐自费项目时领队应注意什么?

  答:1)不能让自费项目挤占正常的团队行程安排 2)要杜绝导游推荐的自费项目与国家的出境旅游法规中禁止的所有冲突 3)要注意不得强迫或者变相强迫旅游者参加额外付费项目4)需要对自费项目是否货真价实进行简单评估

  4、 申根签证的概念。


  5、 落地签证的概念,如何办理泰国落地签证。



  6、 另纸签证的概念。如何办理新加波另纸签证。



  7、 中国出入境的操作流程及各环节注意事项。


  8、 外国地区出入境操作流程及各环节注意事项。

  1) 到达旅游站或目的地后,办理有关入境手续,通常称为“过三关”即卫生检疫、证照查验,海关检查2)入境卡及申报单的表卡应事先填妥3)带团出机场时,从入境边检开始,接着取行李至海关检查,按顺序办理4)领队如先于团员通过移民关卡,应回头照顾团员,并请已过关的团员协助接取行李5)待全数入境后,经检查行李件数无误。海关要求检查时,请物主立刻开箱受检,同时告诫团员切勿离队。6)当海关检查完毕即出关与当地接待人员联络,并将行李交其负责,然后带团员等车清点人数。

  9、 四核对的内容及方法


  10、 游客在国外丢失了护照,领队应如何处理?



  1) 尽快办理房间登记手续,记住每位团员的房间号,分房间钥匙。了解饭店的内部设施(如电梯、餐厅、邮筒地、地下街等)的位置,并告诉团员。2)分钥匙前宣布领队、导游房号以及房间电话号码,告诉集合时间和叫早、早餐、出发时间。3)进房间后,对国内重点客人应亲自巡视或者电话询问房间情况,协助解决有关问题,如有无饮用热水,洁具等。









  (1) 每一位出境旅客都要树立“严格遵守旅游目的地国家或地区的交通规则”的潜意识,这一交通安全意识是“乘兴而去,顺利而归”的重要保障之一。

  (2) 全世界大多数国家和地区均遵守右侧通行的规则,但在中国香港、澳门地区和日本、英国以及东南亚等一些国家是左侧通行,与中国内地右侧通行恰恰相反。所以,旅游者必须在短时间内改变习惯,穿越马路时先向右看。

  (3) 境外车速较快,公路安全靠所设计的许多交通标志指挥车辆完全运行。如自己开车,更要事先充分了解当地的交通标志与交通法规以及与中国之间的差异。

  (4) 为了尽可能地避免在旅游过程中发生交通事故,旅游者可通知领队或地陪或直接提醒司机不为赶时间而开快车,不酒后开车,更不要在途中允许司机与朋友交谈。如发生上述现象,可通过地陪致电交通管理部门,要求撤换司机。


  近几年,出国旅游团队安全事故时有发生,旅游者们身处异国他乡,必须保持高度的警惕和清醒的头脑。(1)出境旅游时,现金和贵重物品务必随身携带;入住酒店后可存在酒店的保险柜中。(2)千万不能将自己的证件、现金、首饰等贵重物品放在行李箱中托运。国际上有个不成文的惯例,如果托运行李中的贵重物品 及货币丢失,从不按价赔偿。(3)勿与陌生人随便接触或告知自己的房号或在夜间贸然开门;不与私人兑换外币。(4)由于语言不通,情况不熟、自由活动时,一般情况下不单独行动,应该三五成群结伴而行。(5)今后出游不必带大量现金。可办理国际信用卡或旅行支票。(6)准备一些零用钱,乘计程车、打电话、购买饮料等都用的着。以免经常显露自己大额的现金,引起扒手、抢劫者的注意。
















英文自我介绍 篇7

  Hello, boys and girls. My name is Richel White. I have a big family. There are four people including my father, mother, one brother and myself. I have been deeply influenced by my family, and I am concerned about the love between my family members.


  I am the kind of person who is sentimental and somewhat of a perfectionist, even in small things. But I know that I do need more self-confidence to see something through to the finish . Though I have many interests, tennis is what I like most. I want to keep on learning new things to increase my ability and to broaden my horizons.


英文自我介绍 篇8

  How do you do? I am a fresh graduate of Hubei Institute for Nationalities. My major is clinical medicine. Next June, I will graduate with a bachelor's degree in clinical medicine

  University five years, I study all the professional knowledge, at school, all subjects have achieved good results. During the internship, I actively study, for the common diseases of various subjects have a deeper understanding

  Especially the surgery was performed under the guidance of teachers in an appendectomy, get the teacher's praise.

  I have good computer knowledge and application ability, and in the 14 years through the National Computer Rank Examination (two QBASIC) of the assessment, is now ready to participate in the three network test. I can skilled operation of Windows98, and can use C QBASIC programming language, and skilled use of offices software. Good English speaking and writing, in 15 years by CET-4.

  During my university years, I won many scholarships, published many articles, worked as a class cadre, and had a strong organization and coordination ability. A strong sense of dedication and sense of responsibility enabled me to face any difficulties and challenges

  I hope to be able to join your hospital, and play my potential

英文自我介绍 篇9

  My name is ANYJOB. From xx. Graduated from XXX school, is a professional

  electronic information technology and application of the graduates and xx. Below is my self-introduction:

  Was born in an ordinary rural family, I grew up from the countryside, since the childhood to train me to bear hardships and stand hard work of good quality.

  Character cheerful, warm, strong motivation, willing to accept and learn new things, with a strong consciousness ability and independent ability to fulfil the task. Since since the door, and a clear direction, pay much attention to their various

  aspects ability training. In the study, positive enterprising, love major, professional, outstanding achievement in second class scholarship and get a scholarship. Has won the excellent student learning ", "ZunZhangShouJi born", "computer grade

  examination", "radio debugging work test" certificates.

  I'm easy to into the collective, team spirit and collective sense of honor. During the period of school, actively participate in school activities held strong professional

  dedication and high sense of responsibility. Also take part in the school amateur party school, that I thought has been greatly improved, I learned that the people's interests, and all with the company's interests.

  I get along well with people, can the harmonious to deal with the relationship, the lower level, and have got good adaptation ability, communication skills, coordination and management ability, and have a good quality in the heart. Strict family education that I grew up in the dependable, serious human family trait. I can in the work to high quality and efficiency, but also the enthusiasm of the big investment product.










