
时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿


  Here are ten simple rules to writing an effective resume. Violation of these rules can cause pain, heartache, cramps, irregularity and even worse…
  You won’t get the interviewed for the job you want!
  1. Style & Font are least important: If I help someone “tweak” their resume and the style is OK, I try not to change it. (Style meaning what kind of bullet points they use or whether they block things off with lines, etc,




  2. Length is even less important: Too many people worry whether their resume is 1 page, or 2 pages etc. A resume is as long as it needs to be to get the point across。
  3. Simple is best: If something is confusing or redundant, change it。

  4. Be consistent: Having dates as 3/09 in one place and March 2009 in another or using seven different fonts is not what you want。
  5. This is not an art project: The color purple should never appear on a resume unless you are Barney the Dinosaur and even that is questionable. Please, no pictures unless you are looking for a job in the Philippines; for some reason, every resume I have ever seen from there has the candidate’s picture on it。
  6. Your resume is a marketing tool: It is meant to represent you at your best. It should be accurate but does not have to include every detail of your life…especially if it makes you look weird or stupid。

  7. It should read like a book: Title at the top, (name, address, email, phone, etc。), syllabus underneath (accomplishments or skills), chapters below (Job history, education etc。). Chapters are read in chronological order and make sense,


  8. The Summary and Accomplishments are critical to getting someone to read your resume: They need to be strong and engaging. If you can get a WOW! out of someone’s mouth when they read your accomplishments, you have done your job. The Summary and Accomplishments should change depending on the job you are applying for。
  9. Spell check and have others proofread your resume to make sure it makes sense: Having several typo’s on your resume makes you look like a dork。
  10. Rules are just guidelines: If, by not following some of these rules, or for that matter, anyone else’s rules for writing a resume, makes it better, then don’t follow them. Heck, after all, it is your resume。
  1. 风格与字体是最不重要:我在帮助别人“调整”自己的简历的时候,如果他的风格是好的,那我就不会做任何的改动。(风格是指他们使用了什么样的标注等。)
  2. 长度也不重要:有太多人担心他们的简历到底是一页长还是两页长,其实只要把该说的说了就可以了。
  3. 简洁最好:若某些陈述是混乱或者多余的,那么改掉它。
  4. 一致性:你是不会想要看到在你的简介里出现在不同的地方将日期分别写成3月9日和2009年3月,或者时使用了七种不同的字体的情况的。
  5. 个人简介不是艺术项目:简介里永远不应该使用紫色,除非你是动画片恐龙Barney里面的Barney。纵然你是那只紫色恐龙,也还是很有问题。拜托,不要附上你的照片,除非你是在菲律宾找工作;很奇怪的是,我见过的每份简历上都附有申请人的照片。
  6. 简历是营销工具:它的目的是展现出你的最好的一面。需要准确,但并不是说要陈述你生活的每一个细节…尤其是那些怪异或愚蠢的细节。
  7. 读起来像一本书:标题在最上面(姓名,地址,电子邮件,电话等) ,然后是大纲(成就或技能),下面是章节(工作历史,受教育经历等)。章节应该按照编年体的顺序来安排,并且应该清楚明了的。
  8. 综述和取得的成绩是吸引别人看你的简历至关重要的'部分:需要写的引人入胜。如果你能让别人在读你简历的时候喊出一个哇!那么你就成功了。根据申请的工作不同,综述和取得的成绩的部分应当进行适当修改。
  9. 拼写检查和校对会让你的简历清楚易懂:简历上的错别字让你看起来很菜。
  10. 这些只是指导性的方法:如果不按照这十条做,或者是任何其他人的指导来写简历,但是你却可以写出更好的简历,那么就别照我的做。毕竟,这是你的简历。








