
时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿



  1. Work in a field you love. 做自己喜欢做的事
  "Do what you love" is perhaps the most basic productivity tip of all. You'll be much more productive when you do work you enjoy. Unfortunately, this tip is as obvious as it is ignored.


  Doing work you love is not remotelythe same thing as doing work you find moderately pleasant either. When you're working in a field you love, your motivation is usually high because you feel passionate about what you're doing. You don't have to push yourself just to get going each day.
  2. Take advantage of audio learning. 借助声音刺激法
  Make a habit of listening to educational audio programs, ideally every day. It's so easy to fill in the gaps in your day with education time. Listen to audio programs when you're driving, shopping, exercising, preparing meals, or just walking around. Load up your iPod to capacity, so you'll always have them on hand.
  You don't even have to pay for the audio programs. There are tons of free educational broadcasts online, including mine. Your local public library should also carry a selection of audio programs that you can check out for free.
  3. Eliminate interruptions. 排除干扰
  If you do any creative or information processing work, it's imperative that you set aside blocks of time where you know you won't be interrupted. This means no external interruptions as well as no interrupting yourself. You need serious blocks of time (2-3 hours minimum) with no email checking, no instant messaging, no web surfing, no phone calls, no drop-in visitors, etc.
  Just knowing that you won't be interrupted makes it so much easier to enter a flow state where you can get a lot of highly productive work done. Every time you get interrupted for a few minutes or longer, you can expect it to take at least 15 minutes to return to the flow state. A few seemingly minor interruptions each day adds up to a huge amount of wasted time every month — and for no benefit whatsoever.


  4. Log your time usage. 记录自己的时间分配
  For a few days in a row, keep track of where all your time is going. From the time you wake up to the time you go to bed, log your time usage. Whenever you switch activities, write down the time and the new activity. You don't have to go high-tech here unless you really want to. A pen and paper works just fine.
  At the end of each day, take note of where your time went. You're sure to notice many inefficiencies, so it won't be hard to find areas for improvement. If you're like most people, don't be surprised to discover that 50-75% of your time each day is essentially being wasted.
  5. Use timeboxing. 为自己限时
  Timeboxing is a great way to deal with tasks where you'd otherwise procrastinate. With timeboxing you only commit to working on a task or project for a fixed length of time, normally 30-90 minutes. 10-15 minutes is perfectly acceptable.
  Once you get past the first 15 minutes, you'll often want to stick with the task. Timeboxing is a good way of coaxing yourself through the initial task resistance. You tell yourself, "It's only 30 minutes. How bad could it be? I can handle anything for 30 minutes." But then when you get through that first 30 minutes, it's easy to keep going.








