
时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿






   So, I think I got the point across to ’em, but you ought to take a j- when you get out of here, take a job you love. Don’t take a job that, ya know, you think is gonna look good on your resume. Take a job you love. You may change it later on, but you’ll jump out of bed in the morning… I mean, when I got out of Columbia, the first thing I tried is to go to work for Graham immediately, I offered to go to work for ’em for nothing. He said I was overpriced, but I kept pestering him. I went out to Omaha and I sold securities for three years, and I kept writing him and giving him ideas and all this, and finally, I went to work for him for a couple of years, and, it was a great experience.

  呃,我想他们也明白我的意思了,但是,你离开这儿去找活儿干时,一定要找份你喜欢的。别因为想给你简历贴金而找工作,你要找份你热爱的'工作。你可以过些时候再跳槽,但因为它,你早上会兴奋地从床上跳起…… 我是说,当我从哥伦比亚大学毕业时,我最先尝试的就是立即去为葛拉汉工作。我都说不拿报酬了,可他仍说我不够格,但是我仍一再向他请求。后来我去了奥马哈,卖了三年证券,但期间我不间断地给他写信,讲讲我的好点子啊什么的。终于,我和他一起工作了几年,那是一段很美妙的经历。

  But I always really worked in a job that I, ya know, loved doing. And you should really take a job, that if you were independently wealthy, you would take. That’s the job to take because that’s the one that you’re gonna have great fun in, you’ll learn something, you’ll be excited about it, and you can’t miss. You may go do something else later on, but you’ll get way more out of it, and I don’t care what the starting salary is, or anything of the sort. I don’t know how I got off on that, but I- there I am.




  So I do think that if you think you’re going to be a lot happier if you’ve got Two-X instead of X, you’re probably making a mistake. I mean, you ought to find something you like that works with that, and you’ll get in trouble if you think that making Ten-X or Twenty-X is the answer to everything in life,because then you will do things like borrow money when you shouldn’t, or, maybe cut corners on things that your employer wants you to cut corners on, or…it just doesn’t make any sense. You won’t like it when you look back on it.

  我确信,如果觉得得到两倍比得到一倍会让你更高兴,你很可能就错了。我是说,你应该找到一份你喜欢的工作去做,拿那份工资。如果你觉得挣10 倍或20 倍的工资,生活就无忧了,那么,你就会遇上麻烦了。因为那样的话,你会做些傻事,比如在不该借钱时借钱,或者老板想让你“偷工减料”的时候“偷工减料”,等等。这对你没有任何意义,当你回想这段经历时,你不会为此而高兴。