如何轻松应对商务宴请 邀请

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如何轻松应对商务宴请 邀请


如何轻松应对商务宴请 邀请

  Version 1 情景1
  PETER: That's been a tremendous help, Jens. Really helped clarify things. We'll ①get these proposals off to the agency, see what they have to say about it. Could you help with that, Maria?
  MARIA: Certainly.
  PETER: Paula will show you how. Now, I must rush. I've got another meeting.
  JENS: (to Maria) Promotion!
  PETER: Oh, my wife wondered if you'd both like to ②pop round one night this week. Shall we say tomorrow evening? Yes?
  JENS: Yes...
  PETER: (to Maria) Yes?
  MARIA: Um... yes... tomorrow evening?
  PETER: If that's all right with you. Right, I must rush. See you later.
  MARIA: What does he mean, 'pop round'?
  JENS: Probably tea. You know how the English love to 'pop round' for tea. I'm only joking. I suppose it means dinner.
  MARIA: What time do you think?
  JENS: I don't know. Eight o'clock? Looks like we've been honored. I wonder whether we should take a gift?
  彼得: 颜斯,这对我们的帮助实在太大了,让我们弄清楚了整件事情。把提案发给代理商吧,听听他们的意见。玛丽亚,你能帮助我处理这件事吗?
  玛丽亚: 可以。
  彼得: 波拉会告诉你如何做的。现在,我必须得走了,我有另外一个会要参加。
  颜斯: (对玛丽亚说) 该提升你了吧!
  彼得: 噢,我太太想知道大伙儿是否愿意本周来我家吃一顿晚餐。明天晚上,怎么样?
  颜斯: 好……
  彼得: (对玛丽亚说) 你呢?
  玛丽亚: 嗯……好……明天晚上?
  彼得: 如果你这边没什么问题就行。好,我得赶快走了,一会儿见。
  玛丽亚: 他说什么?“pop round”是什么意思?
  颜斯: 可能指的'是茶吧。你知道英国人是很喜欢喝茶的。开玩笑的了。我觉得他指的是晚餐。
  玛丽亚: 几点去合适?
  颜斯: 我也不知道,8点?看来我们很荣幸哦。我们要不要带着礼物去?
  tremendous /tri`mend9s/ adj. 巨大的;绝好的
  clarify /`kl2rifai/ v. 弄清;阐明
  promotion /pr9`m9uH9n/ n. 提升;促进
  ① get sth. off 寄出;发出
  A: We'd better get these proofs off to the printers.
  B: Yes, sooner the better.
  ② pop round 去做客(时间不确定)
  A: Would you like to pop round one night this week? Would Wednesday evening suit you?
  B: I'd love to.


如何轻松应对商务宴请 邀请》(http://meiwen.anslib.com)。
Version 2 情景2
  PETER: That's been a tremendous help, Jens. Really helped to clarify things. We'll get these proposals off to the agency, see what they have to say. Can you help with that, Maria?
  MARIA: Certainly.
  PETER: Paula will show you how. I've got to go, I'm afraid. I've got another meeting.
  JENS: (to Maria) Promotion!
  PETER: Oh, by the way, my wife Daphne and I want to invite you to dinner one day this week. Perhaps tomorrow evening, if that suits you?
  MARIA: That's very kind. I'd love to come.
  JENS: I'd be delighted. What sort of time?
  PETER: Oh, 7:30. Nothing formal. Just the four of us. My wife's very much looking forward to meeting you both.
  MARIA: That sounds nice. Do you live far from here?
  PETER: No, not far. ③Best to take a taxi, though. Right, I must be going. See you later.
  JENS: So that's Wednesday at 7:30?
  PETER: That's right. See you tomorrow.
  MARIA: That's a surprise.
  JENS: Yes. I've got a car with me. I could ④give you a lift, if you like?
  MARIA: That would be nice.
  JENS: Did he mention his wife's name?
  MARIA: Daphne.
  彼得: 颜斯,这对我们的帮助实在太大了,让我们弄清楚了整件事情。把提案发给代理商吧,听听他们的意见。玛丽亚,你能帮助我处理这件事吗?
  玛丽亚: 可以。
  彼得: 波拉会告诉你如何做的。现在,我必须得走了,我有另外一个会要参加。
  颜斯: (对玛丽亚说) 该提升你了吧!
  彼得: 噢,顺便说一下,我和太太达夫妮想邀请各位本周去我家吃顿晚餐。明天怎么样,各位都有空吗?
  玛丽亚: 太好了,我很乐意。
  颜斯: 我也是。几点?
  彼得: 嗯,7点半吧,不是非常正式,就咱们4个人。我太太一直都想见见各位。
  玛丽亚: 真好。你们家离这远吗?
  彼得: 不是很远。不过最好搭计程车过去。好,我得马上走了,再见。
  颜斯: 是星期三晚上7点半吗?
  彼得: 是的,明天见。
  玛丽亚: 真是一大惊喜。
  颜斯: 是啊。我开车来的,你愿意的话,我送你回家?
  玛丽亚: 太好了。
  颜斯: 他提到他太太的名字了吗?
  玛丽亚: 达夫妮。
  suit /sj6t/ v. 适合;适应
  delighted /di`laitid/ adj. 高兴的

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