
时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿




  为成功加油将会快速地正在变更蒙受失败将会曾经盘旋不我生活是现在的是为什么仍然刚刚涂没有比较后者的冬天心欢喜和悲伤春天是一个如此美人而且为什么生活是这么挑战性 When you got swallow the cloud And the ambition let everything down Shrilling are over the seventh sky All cause the infinite itch

  When the frame of the gun scattered Rushing towards the aim like a arrow They are fighters in their fate Dream match never ends 18Cheering for success will Be fast changing Suffering from failure will Be ever hovering Don’t ask me what life is It is joys and sorrows in heart yet Hardly smearing Having no latter winter

  How come spring is such a beauty and How come life is so challenging

  You used to say that everyday. We will always be this way. Flying Angels lifting high. To reach the sun were I belong. Girl you know you are the one. Above the clouds I see you cry. You know that when you smile. You stop the rain and we will be together. Once again. Although I''ll gone, remember me. Please be strong I''ll never leave. Just hold on, to the memories. Coz while I''ll here, all I''m thinking about is tomorrow. I''ll always known the love you''re shown. Means I''ll never be alone, There''ll be times you wonder why. But seeing you with someone new. Used to make me feel so blue. But know I''ll with you, all the time. From the moment that I looked into your eyes. All of my life I thought I''ll be there. By your side, I wish I''ll took the time to find the words to say.: You know when you stop the rain.: And we will be together once again. Coz while I''m here, all I''m thinking about is tomorrow. 运动者赞

  没有虎一样的强壮, 却有夸父追日般的执着; 没有豹一样的速度, 却有愚公移山般的坚定; 没有鹰一样的迅捷, 却有泰山崩于前的沉着,



  一次又一次向自我发出挑战。 胜不骄,败不馁, 直面一切困难与挫折。 年青的岁月,我们追求卓越; 年青的我们,拥抱成功; 年青的赛场,洒下泪与汗…… 为你喝彩,心中的英雄。

  The sporter approves not to have tiger same strong, actually to have praises the father to pursue date rigid; does not have the leopard same speed, actually to have Mt. Yugongyi's firmness; does not have hawk same fast, actually to have peaceful landslide Yu Qian calm. harbors the faith which must win, to issues the challenge time and time again. wins not arrogantly, defeats not hungry, faces directly all difficulties and the setback. the young years, we pursue remarkably; young we, hug successfully; the young athletic field, sprinkles sheds tears is you cheers with perspiration ...... , in heart's hero.




英语运动会加油稿》(http://meiwen.anslib.com)。他们与男生一样驰骋赛场,拼搏赛场,也与男生一样拥有了胜利的喜悦,拥有了令人羡慕的掌声与鲜花;他们的飒爽风姿引人注目,在他们身上折射出有如女足运动员般的坚定新年与不屈精神,他们是盛开在赛场上的铿锵玫瑰,他们是一朵朵充满生命力 的铿锵玫瑰,是一朵朵洋溢着青春朝气的铿锵玫瑰。 祝愿每朵铿锵玫瑰都能怒放在人生的道路上。 祝愿每朵铿锵玫瑰都能傲立在拼搏的赛场上。

  Sonorous rose may some people think that the athletic field is male student's world, but is actually enlivening many female students' forms in the athletic field. They gallop equally with the male student the athletic field, strives for success the athletic field, also had the victory joy equally with the male student, had the enviable applause and the fresh flower; Their valiant graceful bearing is noticeable, refracts on their body has like the women's football athlete's firm new year and the unyielding spirit, they are in full bloom in the athletic field sonorous rose, they are vital sonorous roses, is one is brimming with the youth vitality sonorous rose. wishes each sonorous rose to be able to be in full bloom on the life path. wishes each sonorous rose to be able to stand arrogantly in the athletic field which strives for success. 你是我心中的英雄

  有人说,运动场上狂奔的男儿, 是一匹匹黑色的骏马。

  有人说,运动场上活跃的巾帼, 是一道道亮丽的风景。

  我说,你们都是我心中的英雄, 你的飒爽英姿,你的顽强拼搏,

  你的永不屈服,你的自我挑战, 都深深地烙在每个人的心中,

  你的精神在大家心中凝聚成了一股强大的力量, 这力量源源不息, 只因你是我心中的英雄。

  You were in my heart's heroic some people said that in the athletic field dashed about wildly the son, was a black steed. some people said that in the athletic field the active woman's head covering, is a sharp scenery. I said that you are in my heart's hero, your dashing, your tenacious striving for success, your submitting never, your self-challenge, deeply irons in each person's heart, because your spirit condensed a formidable strength in everybody heart, the this strength rest, only you are in a steady stream in my heart's hero.