。Distinguished professors, students, parents and teachers:
Good afternoon!
Today is a significant and beautiful day for all graduates. It is one which you will remember for the rest of your lives. On behalf of the university, I would like to extend our warmest congratulations to you all. Let us give applause and show our appreciation to those who have helped along the way.
Dear students, you have devoted much of your time and endeavors to your academic pursuits and university life. You have made extraordinary efforts to be where you are today. University life is colorful and full of smiles, inspiration and life lessons. At this time of year, I can see students are excited, hopeful and cautious about their future. Today is for celebrating achievement. Lets focus on what you have, instead of what you do not. Life has only just begun.
We have been inspired by your desire for knowledge, perseverance and faith in the power of education. We must adhere to the educational ideal---- A Universities responsibility is not restricted to imparting knowledge and skill. It is also to cultivate the development of students character. Huawai has many regulations. We uphold these standards, so that you maybe better equipped to be responsible members of society. I am confident that you will be outstanding, respected and welcome, wherever you go.
《华外秦和校长在届毕业典礼的讲话(中英文)》(http://meiwen.anslib.com)。在你们离开校园之际,我要衷心地感谢你们。过去的四年,华外持续健康发展,高举公益大旗,坚持非营利性办学,以开展国家教育体制改革试点单位为契机,办学层次实现新的跨越,人才培养质量得到显著提高,发展环境明显改善,办学声誉和社会影响力大幅提升。去年,在教育部等部门大力支持下,我校等26所民办高校发起成立了非营利性民办高校联盟,并当选为首届主席单位。华外事业的点滴进步,都凝聚着你们的汗水;学校前进的每一个步伐都留下了你们拼搏进取的印记。在此,我代表学校向你们道一声:谢谢!感谢你们对学校的支持与奉献;感谢你们对学校的理解与宽容;感谢你们为学校不断添光加彩!Dear students, the University exists to serve those who wish to learn. At this moment of parting, I would like to give my sincere thanks to you. By acting as the pilot university of education reforms, Huawai has undergone steady and fast development. As a result, the talent of our graduates has increased greatly. Last year, 26 private universities, including our own, came together and established the Not for profit, private University Alliance. I want to thank you for your support and dedication. Thank you for your understanding and determination. Thank you for the honor you have achieved for your school.
Dear students, today, we celebrate your transition and from students to educated members of society. you are going to achieve many great things for your country and family. I would like to share the following advice with you.