Open questions 二

时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿

Open questions 二

     Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and hobbies.
I am an outgoing and energetic girl.  I love playing sport games especially badminton and bowling. Usually I play them on weekends with my friends. Though currently I am busy preparing for athletic championship, I just walk around campus after meals for half an hour. Besides reading is also my favorite leisure activity. Investment Banking and Harry Potter 6(UK edition)are the books I read recently. Whenever listening to music is my best choice to rest myself.
I am an outgoing and energetic girl. I love outdoor sports. Usually I go out for camping or climbing mountains on weekends together with the members of Outdoor Club. Though currently I am busy preparing for paper, I just go swimming twice each week and run around the lake in our campus for half an hour every morning.  Reading is also my favorite leisure activity. I like novels full of magical fantasy and books which urge me to think.   Besides, listening to music and watching movie are also my  choices  to rest myself.

What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity?
I like taking part in activities and working with peoples so I join the Student's union at college level for past three years.  From Sep.2003 to June.2005 I am head of the Sports Department. My responsibility was 1.organizing and operating the Sports Event at college level such as Students Union Cup Basketball Games.2.taking charge of the department and arranging work 3.associating school’s authorities to run Annual Sports Games.
From Oct.2002 to June.2003 I was a member of the Research Department, I have organizing a series of questionnaires to investigate freshmen’s opinions about Zhuhai campus.
Now I prepare to be a volunteer of the 1st Asian University Athletic Championship. The championship will be hold on 7th~12th Nov.

I love outdoor sports. Go camping near Tuanbo Lake in Tianjin in Oct, 2003 was my first time to participate in such activity. The wonderful experience strongly inspired my enthusiasm. After that, together with another 7 people, we established the first Outdoor Club in Tianjin University. I occupied the position of  Propaganda  Minister from Nov, 2003 to Jun, 2004. My responsibility was contacting with the media both inside and outside of campus, designing the promotion plan of our activities, announcing the spirit of this sport and our club to students, etc. Besides, I acted as the leader of  the outdoor sports such as Traversing the Baiyangyu Wild Great Wall for several times. And I managed the first Outdoor Festivals held in Tianjin University which contains a series of activities such as outdoor equipment  exhibition. The festival attracted thousands of people, some of which took part in the outdoor sports later.
From Sep, 2001 to Jun 2003 I was the member  of  Student ‘s Union at university level. I joined this society for I like taking part in activities and working with peoples.  From Sep.2002 to Jun.2003 I am head of the Public Relationship Department. My responsibility was organizing and operating the some activities at university level such as Debate Contest, taking charge of the department and arranging work, associating with other societies and the media, soliciting  more than 10000 RMB sponsorship for activities held by other departments from companies.
I was also the member of  Beiyang Newspaper Office from Sep, 2001 to Jun 2003. I was the chief reporter and editor. I was responsible for the task assigned of  the reporters. I interviewed many important activities and professors. More than 50 news and other articles written by myself published in newspaper.
What factors have influenced your career choice?
There are many factors have influenced my career choice, but most significant one are my major and favorite. I study in school of economics for more than 3 years, being affected in such surroundings, I have developed a sharp business sense. Meanwhile mathematics is always my strong point so investment become the subjects I interested in and good at . As the result I decided to embark on investment profession. Maybe character is also important, I am active and easy-going so working with people is my strongpoint.
There are many factors have influenced my career choice, but most significant one are my major and favorite. I am a candidate for master in Business Management. Being affected in such surroundings, I have developed a sharp business sense. Meanwhile I have got a bachelor’s degree in Communication Engineering that I have strong technology background. Character is also important.  I am active and easy-going. I  like  communication with people from various background. Working under pressure is my strongpoint. So auditing  become the job I interested. I decided to take auditing as the start of my career.

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