工作经验 Work Experience

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工作经验 Work Experience


工作经验 Work Experience

。有人可能会问,大学生刚毕业哪来的经验?注意了,假期短期工作和实习都是很好的经验来源,只要你够勤快,工作经验并不难找。闲话少说,我们来看看 Sam 和 Ann在面试时是怎样处理工作经验这部分的。
    Dialogue 1
    Snow: Have you got any experience in advertising?
    Sam: Yes, I have been working in the Public Relations Section of a company for the past two years. I plan the advertising campaigns and cooperate with artists and a typographer. Sometimes I have to do the work of a specialist when there's something urgent.
    Snow: Have you had any experience with computers?
    Sam: Yes, I studied in a computer-training program, and can process data through the computer.
    Snow: That's fine. What about operating the fax and duplicators?
    Sam: I can handle them without any trouble.
    Snow: How often do you work overtime?
    Sam: I worked overtime several times a month.
    1. 对话中Sam在一家广告公司进行面试,Have you got any experience in advertising? 你有没有广告方面的从业经验?experience in / with something,某个方面的`经验。
    2. 这时候你就可以把自己的工作经验告诉考官,当然不要面面俱到,一定要挑跟你面试的工作紧密相关的方面来说,其它的可以不说或者一句话带过。这就要求你在面试之前想好怎样来条理清晰地陈述你的工作经验,甚至还可以先打个草稿,为的就是做到心中有数。
    3. 这里你可以顺便提一下你的一些工作技能,比如,电脑操作等等。process data through the computer,用电脑处理各种数据。operating the fax and duplicators,操作传真机和打印机。handle这个词也很常用,指“处理,操作”。例如:I think I can handle it. 这件事我可以做好。
    4. work overtime,加班,overtime这里做副词,表示“超时地”,overtime也可以做名词be on overtime,也表示“加班”,


工作经验 Work Experience》(http://meiwen.anslib.com)。
    Dialogue 2
    Watt: Do you have any sales experience?
    Ann: Yes, I worked in a fashion shop as a part-time salesgirl.
    Watt: What kind of work are you doing now?
    Ann: I'm working as an export sales staff member for a foreign trading company.
    Watt: Where are you working?
    Ann: I work at Lianfu Foreign Trade Company,Ltd.
    Watt: How long have you been working there?
    Ann: I have been working there since I left my previous employer in 1996.
    Watt: How many employers have you worked for?
    Ann: Three.
    Watt: What work were you responsible for at your previous work unit?
    Ann: I was responsible for advertising design.
    1. Do you have any sales experience? 你有销售经验吗?这也是询问工作经验的一个常用句式。work as 是"做什么样的工作",例如:I worked as a tutor after school. 放学后我就去做家教。
    2. What kind of work are you doing now? 你现在在做什么工作?Ann回答说在一家外贸公司做销售人员。考官又问是什么公司,Where are you working? 这可不是问公司的地址,而是问公司的名称。
    3. How long have you been working there?你在那工作多久了?这里用的是现在完成进行时态,表示从过去到现在一直做某事,从来没有间断过。How many employers have you worked for? 你为几个雇主工作过?其实也就是问你换过几个工作了。
    4. What work were you responsible for at your previous work unit?你在以前工作的部门具体负责什么工作?be responsible for something,负责某事,也就是做某项工作。previous work unit,以前的工作部门。
    5. 一般这样的问题据实回答就可以了,除非考官对你某方面的工作经验感兴趣,否则不要自己说起来没完,要学会见机行事。

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