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The  Teaching  plan Subject(科目)   Date(日期)   Book(书册)  2 Topic(课题) Lesson5 You Look Great Part(课时)  2 Page(页码)   Teaching sAim (教学目标) The Knowledge Aims(知识目标) 通过购物,让学生在创造的情境中体会和感悟知识和技能,   The Ability Aims(能力目标) 通过本课的学习,使学生学会表达自己的想法、愿望,提高学生的会话能力和交际能力。 The Emotion Aims(情感目标) 通过合作学习、购物活动,培养学生合作意识和积极实践的精神。 Impertant Points(教学重点)  学生能够准确表达I don’t like red. / Show me that blue cap, please.; Difficult Points(教学难点)  熟练的运用句型表达自己的想法。 Teaching Metbods(教学方法)  运用情景、游戏、实践活动方法 使学生在快乐中学习单词和会话。 Instrunents(教具)  录音机  卡片   Teaching Steps(教学步骤) 1.The Teaching leading(教学导入)(5分钟)   1.Greetings(打招呼) 师:Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? Ss: Good morning, Mr. Tang. Fine, thank you. And you? T: Very well, thank you. I’m very glad to see you again! Ss: Me too.     2.Have a revision(复习)  T: let’s warm up and do the action, Let’s sing the song: Who IS WEARING YELLOW TODAY? 1 Who is wearing yellow today? Yellow today, yellow today? Who is wearing yellow today yellow today? 2 Who is wearing red today? Red today, red today? Who is wearing red today red today? (教师与学生一起唱,唱到什么颜色,穿着该颜色衣服的学生就站起来。)   3.The Leading Words(导语) Now we’ll study Lesson five , open your books. turn to page60 , (listening to the tape and act with your hands, OK?) Ss: OK!     Ⅱ.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开)(20分钟)  T:板书:Lesson5 You Look Great ! look at the blackboard, read after me。 T: You know ,It’s spring. How is the weather like today ? Is it rainy ? Ss: No , no , no. Is it snowy? Ss: No , no, no. Is it cloudy? Ss: Yes , yes, yes. (师生边说边做动作)。 It’s cloudy . So , You guess what I want to buy. T: Play a guessing game. 课件:显示屏上出现一些碎片,碎片漫漫扩大,变成一顶帽子。) T:What am I going to buy ? What do I want? You can guess and say: “You want…) (课件:教师走进一家服装店,与售货员交谈) T= the teacher C= the computer Ss=the students C; Can I help you ? ( learn to say: Can I help you ?) T: I want a cap. C: How about this one? (课件:售货员拿出一顶很大的帽子。) T: I think it’s too big . ( 课件:售货员拿出一顶很小的帽子。) T: How about this one ? Ss: It’s too small. C: How about this one ? ( 课件:售货员拿出说大小合适的的帽子。) (Learn to say: “ How about…?”) T: I think the size is OK. Do you think so ? Ss: Yes! T: I don’t like red. C: What’s your favorite color ? T: My favorite color is … (课件:帽子随着学生的回答变换颜色,并且由此引出单词“red”.) 3、游戏。 T: (Take a red cap) I like this red cap. Let’s play a game: Guess the price of the cap. Ss: How much is it ? S1: …Yuan. (If the price S1 guess is too low, the teacher will say: Up, up ,up. If too high ,the will say:” Down, down,down.” Each student has three thances to guess.) After the students guess the price right, the teacher puts on the blue cap and asks the students “Am I cool”(Learn to say:”cool”) 4、实践。 (1)Listen to the dialogue T: What have you heard in the dialogue? (2)Listen to the dialogue and repeat it sentence by sentence. (3) Practice in pairs.  5 巩固。(10分钟) (1)Divide all the students into 4 groups: clothes shop, food shop, fruit shop and stationer’s shop. Put some goods in each shop. Get the students to do the shopping in groups.(教师先示范引导后,每组由一名学生当售货员,其他学生当顾客。)。 (2)Ask the students to go to different shops and buy different things.(把全班分成四个组,即四个“商店“,顾客可以到任何一家“商店““购买”自己喜欢的商品。教师到各组指导,同时也当顾客。) (3)评价。 首先,生生平价。学生互相评价哪组售货员做得好,哪位顾客好。 其次,师生评价。评价哪名学生表演得好语音语调漂亮、地道。                     ⅢSum Up(总结)(5分钟) 总结全课,由学生说说本节课学了什么,老师表扬做得好的学生   Homework(作业) T: Are you happy today ? Ss:Yes。 T:Talk in pairs after class,OK? Ss:OK T:Bye-bye! Ss:Bye-bye!(The students sing a song“Good-bye”。   The Blackhoard Writing(板书)  Show me that blue cap I don’t like red     Thingking After Class(课后反思)          




Unit 5 教案04-28






