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The  Teaching  plan Subject(科目) English Date(日期)   Book(书册) 八册 Topic(课题) LessonTwo Can I Join You ?   Part(课时) 1 Page(页码) 18.19 Teaching sAim (教学目标) The Knowledge Aims(知识目标) a、掌握单词 without和practice for b、学会现在进行时态的回答. The Ability Aims(能力目标) a、能够听、说、附属句子. b、熟练运用现在进行时态. The Emotion Aims(情感目标) 激发学生学习兴趣,树立学生自信心. Impertant Points(教学重点) a、掌握单词without和practice for b、学会现在进行时态的问答. Difficult Points(教学难点) 熟练应用现在进行时态. Teaching Metbods(教学方法) 任务型教学 替换练习 Instrunents(教具) 卡片 录音机 磁带   Teaching Steps(教学步骤) 1.The Teaching leading(教学导入)  (4’)   1.Greetings(打招呼) T : Hello , everyone .    Ss : Hello ,teacher . T : Nice to meet you Ss : Nice to meet you , too.   2.Have a revision(复习) T:(show the card and review the words )   Fly—flying  sing—singing play the piano—playing the piano swim—swimming   3.The Leading Words(导语) Today let’s learn lesson 2 . 《Can I Join You ?》 Ⅱ.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开)  (33’) A . Learn the sentence 1 . Listen and repeat Do the action T : Where’s S1 ? S1 : Here ! May I come in ? T : We should say “Yea , you may . ” to him/her Ss : Practice again . T : We also can say “ No , you may not . ” 2 .Learn the dialogue  What are you doing ?   We are practicing for the talent show . a . Listen and repeat . b . practice in pairs . B . Play a game . T : (Look at the card and do the action . Ss guess what am I doing ?) Ss : Practice again . C : Listen and repeat . 1 . T : Qiaoqiao is a good pianist .   Without a piantist , you can’t make a good band .   Use another words (singer  violinist  drummer ) to practice the dialogue . 2 . Think map . Fill in the blanks and make a sentence . 器官与动词匹配然后仿写句子 nose  ( smell  ) Without our nose , we can’t smell (闻) ears  (  )   eyes  (  )   head  (  )    hands (  )  mouth (  )   feet  (  )    face  (  )        walk think  smile hear see write  eat   三、Do the exercise book . Exercises book P13 . Ⅲ.Sum Up(总结)  (3’) Chant That’s all for today . Good bye everyone . Homework(作业) Read the dialogue five times . The Blackhoard Writing(板书) Lesson2. Can I Join You ? May I come in ?(Can I come in ? ) What are you doing ? Yes, you may . (No, you may not .)   We are practicing for …… Without our nose , we can’t smell (闻) Thingking After Class(课后反思)      










