It's cold in winder 教案和教学反思

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It's cold in winder 教案和教学反思

Teaching Plan   设计教师:Noel 教学年级: 五年级 课题: It’s cold in winter 授课时间:40分钟 一、教学内容   Book 5  Unit 5  vocabulary, target and chant activity 二、学情分析  1、学生对句型What’s the weather like today?已经学过。  2、单词warm ,windy dry foggy wet 三、资源准备 1、PowerPoint 2、cards, pictures 3、Computer, CD-ROM 四、教学目标 1、can read the new words, use the new words to make a sentence 2、 talking about the weather and the seasons 五、教学过程 一.Greeting 1.Everyday English 2.Free talk T:Is it Monday today? What day is it today? Do you have P.E classes?Do you like playing sports? Do you like cold days? 二.Presentation 1.autumn ,cool and windy Is it cold today?what’s the weather like today?板书It’s cool.Do you know what season is it now?It’s autumn.Also we can call it “fall”. What’s the weather like in fall?板书Look at the trees,It’s windy.It’s cool and windy in fall.板书maybe you can see many colourful leaves in Beijing,but in Zhuhai,you can’t see so many colourful leaves,the trees are still green now.(read the words:weather—cool—windy. ,spell them,check the Ss to read the word in group)Do you like fall?What can you do in fall?(talk something can do in fall)-àfly kites ,climb mountains ,go hiking. 2.winter cold and dry Can you fly kites in this weather?No, I can’t.Do you like this weather?(cold)板书I don’t like cold.what season do you feel cold?Winter.板书I don’t like winter,how about you?you can go to Harbin and play with snow and you can make a snowman.maybe you like it very much.Why?(,you can get lucky money) (read the word ,spell it,check the Ss to read the word in group)Do you like cold days?What can you do in winter?(talk something about the season)-àmake a snowman/go ice-skating.go ice-skiing 3.Play a game: find the word 3.spring rainy and cloudy (问号游戏)This is my favourite season,guess,what season is it?I like spring. In spring ,you can see many green trees outside and beautiful flowers here and there.Spring.板书what’s the weather like in spring? rainy and cloudy.板书(read the word ,spell it,check the Ss to read the word in group)Do you like rainy days?What can you do on rainy days?(talk something about the rainy days)-àwatch TV,read books,play computer games    Do you like rainy days?Why? 4.summer hot and sunny Can you play football on rainy days?No,we can’t.Can we play football in this weather?(sunny)Yes.板书How many seasons are there in a year?Four.(词卡)fall-winter –spring-……What season is it?Yes,it’s summer.板书Do you like summer?What’s the weather like in summer?It’s sunny and hot.What can you do in summer?We can swim/eat ice cream/wear my shorts and we have a long vocasion.I like summer ,do you like summer? (read the word ,spell it,check the Ss to read the word in group)Do you like hot days? What can you do on hot days?(talk something about the hot days)-àswim,eat ice-cream, 5.Computer, CD-ROMàcheck(pictures or 板书) 6.Is  it ………?Yes, it is./No, it’s not. It’s ….in….. 7.A game: capture hair 8.(pass the  pictures )Ask and answer:what’s the weather in ….. 三.Practice about the seaeons in pairs :what is your favourite season? why? 1)2  people in a group 2) write something about your favourite season(学生投影读自己的内容) 2.P28 Chant and write 1)listen and read 2) sing the chant 3) finish the sentences(投影答案) and choose “T” or “F” 四.Homework the words 2.Talk something about your favourite season with your friends and write your sentences down .       教学反思 本课时是一节有关天气方面的新授课(单词及句型)。教师在教学设计中,虽然体现有整体设计理念:从现在的天气体现的季节,结合学校的everyday English,引导到新授内容,,学生的学习气氛较好,各步骤的过渡较为流畅。本节课的亮点体现在学习了有关天气的内容,进一步进行了口头的练习和写作练习。但结合上课的过程,本节课还是存在比较多的问题: 1、新授内容比较多 学生要掌握的单词有8个,句型有6句。教师在课堂上有点 “拉”着学生走的现象,在进行问答的过程中,没有体现出学生为主体,而是比较被动,教师讲得多原因,就是学习的量太多。学生在学习过程中无所适从,很多学生在练习环节节奏跟不上,尤其体现在写作这个环节。 2、教学重点没有充分突出 本课时的教学重点没有在巩固环节充分体现,次要的东西浪费太多的时间。对本课的重点和难点没有把握好,对句型的操练过少,如:“What’s the weather like in …(季节或地方)?/What’s the weather like …(时间)?”询问天气情况及用“It’s +形容词+介词(in)+季节(地方)。/It’s +形容词。”进行回答,学生的操练时间不够。对句子“Is it …in …?Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.”讨论也不到位。学生在进行口语交际时候,内容的讨论不熟练,看来在词过渡到句的练习需要加强。   3、练习处理不到位 在要求学生练习句型what’s the weather like in spring/summer/….的时候,把活动的加入过快,学生没有完全练好天气的对话,所以就出现了部分学生在口语描述天气和活动的过程中不理想,应该说是本课时内容的量“大”,练习的内容过“多”在授课过程中,教师没有及时做好调整,删去部分内容或减少授课的知识点,只是按照自己的设计继续上课。学生在输出时就少,达不到原来设想的效果。  

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