八年级英语新目标下Unit5 If you go to the part

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八年级英语新目标下Unit5 If you go to the party,you will have a great time!教案

更多精彩;英语教师网英语教师网论坛http://bbs.ewteacher.com Unit5 If you go to the party,you will have a great time! I  Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objectives 1) Key Vocabulary: have a great time, organize, take away, clean-up flower 2)Target Language: A: I think I’ll ride my bike. B: What kind of noodles would you like? A: if you do, you’ll be late. A: I think I’m going to stay at home. B: if you do, you’ll be sorry. 2. Ability Objects Train students’ listening and oral speaking skills. 3. Moral Object If you do, nothing is impossible. II. Teaching Key Points Key vocabulary, Target language III. Teaching Method Scene teaching method. Listening, speaking and practice method. IV. Teaching Aids. Media. V. Teaching Procedures Activities Teacher Students Teaching goal         pre-task                   1 Play Twin’s song-If you are happy.     2 Introduce “if” structure with two questions; If you are happy, what will you do? If you become sad, what will you do? 3 Give two conditions and lead students to use “if” structure.   4 Drilling: use the content in Unit 1 to drill “if” structure. Students can say: If I have a robot, I will let it do chores/ do the laundry/make money …   5 Grammar: show 6 sentences with “if” structure. Let students find out the principle for the new structure.  Students listen and sing.     Students listen and think how to express themselves with “if” structure. Students look at the two pictures and try to answer. Students drill “if” structure with this topic.       Students observe and try to analyze. 1 Create excellent atmosphere. 2 Make students pay attention to “if” structure. Help students be familiar with “if” structure.   Help students use new structure.   Help students consolidate “if” structure through drilling.     Enhance students’ ability on analysis and summarization. While task 1 Task 1: give students a condition and ask them use “if” structure to discuss the problem.       2 Task 2: Guess and link 1a.       3 Task 2: play the tape and tell students listen and check answers.   4 Task 3: Group work Show students lots of money and ask them to survey with the structure:   S1: What will you do if you have 100,000 yuan?   S2: If I have 100,000 yuan, I will … Work in pairs and make a short discussion.       Students work in pairs and try to link.     Listen and check their answers.   Work in groups to make a survey. Make students use it in real life.       1 Train students guess before listening. 2 Cultivate their curiosity for listening. Enhance students listening abilities. Enhance students’ speaking abilities. Post task 1 Summaries: (1) phrases: have a great time, be going to, be sorry (2)”if” structure 2 Feed back: (1) Correct mistakes in a letter. (2) Multiple choice         3 Show You:Proverbs  Students listen and remember.   Do the exercises and later check their answers.           Show, Look and listen.  Make sure students are clear with the important points. Make sure they have mastered “if” structure.           1 Enlarge students’ knowledge. 2 Enhance students’ ability on collecting information. Check  Evaluation  Students fill in the evaluation chart.  Help students to finish the check. Home work Grade A: Write five sentences with if structure. Recite 1a. Grade B: Translate the following sentences into English. Grade C: Copy 1a and translate them. 兴趣题:   小作文:   If I only have three days to live, I will …  Finish these after class.   Read the passage “If” and write a passage with this beginning.  Consolidation        

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