PEP小学六年级英语 Unit2 B Let’s read教案

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PEP小学六年级英语 Unit2 B Let’s read教案

  Unit2 B  Let’s  read教案 教 学 目 标   1,能够理解并会朗读Let’s read部分,能够完成选词填空练习. 2,能写简单的路线说明并了解写信的基本格式. 教学重点 能够听,说,认读句子:Start from the bus stop in front of our school. Take the No.17 bus. Get off the post office.  Walk  east for three minutes. Find the white building on the left.Look for me near the door.  教学难点 能够听,说,认读并抄写下列句子:Start from the bus stop in front of our school. Take he No.17 bus. Get off the post office.Walk east for three minutes. Find the white building on the left. Look for me near the  door  课前准备 ;Let’s  read 部分课件 点读机  无线识别笔 教学过程  1 ,热身 师生共唱歌曲Happy birthday to you” 2, 预习 师生进行日常会话.以下为会话问题:  T :  Who has a birthday today ? Is your birthday  today? S:  Yes /No … 3  新课导入 :   Let’s read 今天老师设置了四关,看看你能闯过多少关. 第一关: 跟读课文并观察对应的图片. 同学们一定要把文字和图片对应起来哦! 师生一起看图朗读课文  第二关: 根据图片复述课文 第三关: 根据提示词复述课文 第四关: 重新排列句子  1)Take the No.17 bus. 2) Walk east for three minutes. 3) Look for me near the door. 4) Find the white building on the left. 5) Get off at the post office. 6) Start from the bus stop in front of our school. Let’s read and answer the question: 1.  How many students are there in the picture? 2  Whose birthday is it?   3  Do  they have a birthday party? 4 Where do they have the party? 5 How can Amy get to Sarah’s house? 6. When do they have the party? 7  .Which bus can Amy take? 8.  Does she get off the bus at the bank? 9  .Is Sarah’s home west of the post office? 10 Is Sarah’s home green? 选择最佳答案 1. Amy is one year older than Sarah. How old is Amy? A.  11 B.12 C.13 2. Sarah’s home is____of the post office. A.  west B. east C. north 3. What’s the colour of the building Sarah lives in? A. White B. Red C. Green Homework : 1据图片及课文小练笔:根内容写几句话. 图中有几个人,他们在哪里,正在做什么,他们心情怎么样,今天是谁的生日,她多少岁了? There are 6 students in the picture.They are at Sarah’s home. They are having a birthday party. They are happy. Today is Sarah’s birthday. She is 12. 2  根据信中的说明,画出到Sarah家的路线图板 板书   Unit 2 Where is the Science Museum    Start from the bus stop in front of our school.   Take the No.17 bus. Get off the post office. Walk est for three minutes. Find the white building on the left. Look for me near the door. 

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