Module7 Unit2 I will be home at 7 o&

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Module7 Unit2 I will be home at 7 o'clock 教案设计

Module7 Unit2 I will be home at 7 o’clock. 教学目标: 1. 巩固与练习一般现在时和一般将来时。I go to school at…/ I will go to …at… 2. 培养学生用英文写信,发邮件的能力。注意按照书信的格式,写好To:…From… 教学过程: Step 1. Warm up. Greeting: How are you?...... Let’s chant: I am happy, ha, ha, ha. I am surprised, wow, wow, wow. I am busy, choo, choo, choo. I am excited, hooray, hooray, hooray! (设计意图:教师由简单的课前问候自然过渡到有关心情的各类单词,配以形象的声音和动作,活跃课堂气氛,拉近师生距离。) Step 2. Revision. Show the pupils a map of Qingdao. Point to the Huaneng Hotel: I live in Huaneng Hotel.(设计意图:借助真实生活情景将课堂与生活情景建立联系。) Teacher introduces her day: I get up at 6:00. I eat breakfast at 7:00. I eat lunch at 12:00. I eat dinner at 5:00. I go to bed at 10:00. This is my day. What about you? (设计意图:通过教师一天生活的简单介绍,在充分调动学生积极性的同时,有效复习一般现在时。) Let’s chant together: Tick, tock, tick, tock, I get up at 6:00. Tick, tock, tick, tock, I eat breakfast at 7:00. Tick, tock, tick, tock, I eat lunch at 12:00. Tick, tock, tick, tock, I eat dinner at 5:00. Tick, tock, tick, tock, I go to bed at 10:00. I will stay at Qingdao for five days. I will visit Qingdao this Friday. Step 3: Presentation. I will go to May 4th Square. I will go to Zhanqiao Pier. I will go to Underwater World. I will go to Bathing Beach. I will go to JUSCO. Sing a song together. I will go to May 4th Square. I will go to Zhanqiao Pier. I will go to Underwater World. I will go to Bathing Beach. I will go to JUSCO. I will be happy in Qingdao. (设计意图:利用学生已有的生活经验,帮助学生再现熟悉的地点,借助生动的多媒体课件,结合教师丰富的活动安排,自然过渡到将来时时态的学习中。同时优美的儿歌,既活跃了课堂气氛,又有效地掌握了新知。) So beautiful, but this is my first time to Qingdao. I don’t know the best time to go there. Can you help me? Now work in groups. Make a good plan for me. Thank you. (设计意图:让学生在合作中体会到学习的愉悦。) Tell me your plan. You will go to May 4th Square at ________ . (设计意图:各小组在展示不同的时间安排的过程中练习新句型。) Teacher chooses the best time, and tell the best plan to her dad. Then tell the students how to write an e-mail. And let’s send another e-mail. It’s from Tom’s father. Step 4: Practice. Here are two questions for you. 1. Where is Tom’s father? 2. When will he be home? Listen and answer the questions. Listen and fill in the blanks. Follow me. Step 5: Extension. Mother’s Day is coming. I have an e-mail for my mom. Dear mom, How are you? You do lots of housework. I think you’re very busy. Are you tired? I’d like to help you. Mother’s Day is coming. I will cook dinner for you and dad; I will do the dishes, sweep the floor, clean the I will work hard every day. Happy Mother’s Day! Miss you Love from, Selina. Now take out your card and write an e-mail to your mother. Then read out your letter and stick it on the blackboard. (设计意图:通过写信的方式锻炼学生的书写能力,自由收发信件的能力,同时借助母亲节,使学生情感得到升华,加深孩子对妈妈的爱。) Step 6: Homework. Write an e-mail to your friend. Step 7:板书设计. To: From: Dear dad, I will go to May 4th Square at ___________. I will go to Zhanqiao Pier at ___________. I will go to Underwater World at ___________. I will go to Bathing Beach at ___________. I will go to JUSCO at ___________. Love from, Selina.   【总评】 本课特色主要表现在以下几点: 一、巧设与本课内容有关的warm up 俗话说:良好的开端是成功的一半。在讲课开始,教师巧设一个warm up,往往能激发学生感知的兴趣和情感,亦可启发引导学生思维。让学生很快进入课堂学习的最佳状态,这是实现教学整体美的关键一步,可收到先巧夺人的效果。本课的主要内容中涉及到关于情绪的单词:happy surprise busy…所以本课在warm up 这一部分设计了这样的歌谣:I am happy, ha ha ha! I am surprise, wow wow wow! I am busy, choo choo choo! I am excited, hooray hooray hooray! 教师由简单的课前问候自然过渡到有关心情的各类单词,配以形象的声音和动作,活跃课堂气氛,拉近师生距离。 二、巧用课堂过渡语   一堂课作为一个有机的整体,是由不同的知识上下联系的,也就是说,一堂课是由教师对几方面知识内容的传授组成的。之所以形成一个有机的整体,是因为在这几个方面内容的组合衔接上常常有其独到的妙处--简洁明快,自然得体,紧密连贯--如行云流水,天衣无缝,让人不知不觉。因此.在课堂上起衔接组合作用的过渡语设计的好,对于提高课堂教学质量和效率,必将起到有益的作用。本课老师在引出一般现在时时,是这样巧设过渡的:I am  excited to be here a very beautiful city—Qingdao.利用老师来到青岛这样一个真实的情境,使学生很轻松的进入下一个环节的学习。 三、 巧设情景活动 情景是生活的侧面,是英语教学中非常重要的因素,它直接影响英语教学的效果。情景是人们进行语言交际活动的必要条件。语言教学中情景不可少,它是生活的模拟,教师必须按照教材的教学内容精心组织,巧妙构思,创设良好的符合学生心理和认知特点的教学需要的情景,本课中,教师向学生们呈现了一个真实的情境,由老师来到青岛后每天要做的事情引出一般现在时,让学生描述自己的一天。接下来老师计划要去游览青岛,I will go to…,从而引出一般将来时,老师作为初到青岛的游客,请学生帮助设计出行计划,从中巧设活动,让学生来练习:You will go to …at…让生活在课堂中再现,让学生在模拟的环境中习得真实的交际语言。    

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