
时间:2023-04-25 22:37:34 教案 我要投稿
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Canceling an appointment On the telephone Woman: I’m sorry to tell you that I have to cancel our appointment. Man: What happened? Woman: I must meet someone at the airport tomorrow afternoon. Man: I’m sorry to hear that. May we meet the day after tomorrow? Woman: Let me see. Oh, I have another appointment that morning. Man: Then, how about tomorrow morning? Woman: OK, I will be free from 9 to 10:30. Man: So, I will see you in your office at 9 tomorrow morning. Woman: I will be there waiting for you. Man: We will discuss the contract in detail. Woman: Sure. I’m really sorry for the trouble I’ve made. Man: Not at all. See you. Woman: See you. Dialogue 1 Mr. Johnson: Hello! Secretary: Hello, Mr. Johnson! Mr. Johnson: Yes. Secretary: Good afternoon, sir. This is Mr. Carter’s secretary. I’m afraid Mr. Carter’s got some unexpected business to attend to, and he’s going to Paris tonight. He won’t be able to make your meeting this evening. Mr. Johnson: Oh, that’s too bad. Well, never mind. What about next week? Secretary: Mr. Carter will be back on Wednesday morning, sir. He’ll give you a call then to make another appointment. Mr. Johnson: That’s nice. Thanks for calling. Dialogue 2 Mr. Harrison: Hello! Jim Smith: Hello! Is that Mr. Harrison? Mr. Harrison: Yes. Jim Smith: This is Jim Smith. I wonder if our meeting tomorrow could be put back a day or so. I have sent two telexes back home, but I have not received an reply yet. Mr. Harrison: Oh, I see. Jim Smith: Would it be possible to postpone our meeting until Wednesday? Mr. Harrison: Yes, sure. Jim Smith: Would 2:30 p.m. be convenient for you? Mr. Harrison:Yes, 2:30 is fine. I’ll be expecting you in my office at 2:30 on Wednesday. Jim Smith: Thank you very much. Goodbye, Mr. Harrison! I will see you Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Harrison: Goodbye! Dialogue 3 John: Mr. Gates, this is John calling. I’m sorry I have kept you waiting. Mr. Gates: No problem. Are you on your way here now? John: I’m awfully sorry, but something has come up at the last minute. I’m not going to be able to make it. Mr. Gates: Well, that’s perfectly all right, I understand. John: I apologize for not calling earlier, but I had no way of knowing this would happen. Mr. Gate: Don’t worry about it. We’ll get together later.










