<<What does she do?>> 复习

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<<What does she do?>> 复习课教案

<<What does she do?>> 复习课教案 下冶二小  段素芳 教学目标: (1)知识目标 能够掌握ALet’s learn和BLet’s learn部分的单词,并能在描述职业的情境中熟练运用。 (2)能力目标 1.能进行简单替换“What does your father / mother do ? He /She is a …”, “Where does she/he work?She/He works …”. “How does she/He go to work?She /He goes to work …”. 2.在现实生活中灵活运用并力求做到语调自然,语音准确. 学习策略:能积极与人合作,运用所学英语进行交流。 教学重点 1.本课时重点掌握其中描述职业的单词以及就职业的表达。 2.本课时的难点是让学生在任务型活动中熟练运用不同的句型进行交流。 教学过程: Step1 Warming up: (1)和学生打招呼问好,Listenand do:Wait,wait,wait;Stop,stop,stop…. (2)Listen to the tape,then ask and answer. What does the father do? What does the mother do? What does the uncle do? What does the aunt do? (3)在引导学生回答问题之后,引入本节复习重点,板书课题,学生齐读课题。 Step2 Presentation (1)“排列卡片活动”:让学生拿出练习本,课件出示图画,师说单词,让学生听喝排列。之后呈现单词,引导学生快速来读。 (2)Free talk::Look at the pictures and ask and answer.(卡片:he/she) T:What does …do? S:…’s …. 然后让学生进行对话。 (3)Look and guess.(提醒学生不能重复,旨在帮助学生回想单词) (4)Free talk:Where does she/he work?How does she/he go to work? (5)Choose and fill,并把对话通过表演演出来。 (6)看表格,组对话。   His jobs  Where he works How she goes  to work engineer in a car company by  bike   (7)借助阅读组对话。 Wang Bin is a teacher.He likes math .He works in Dongfang school.He goes to school by subway. Liu Dan is an accountant.She likes drawing pictures .She works in a bank.She goes to work by car. … Step3Consolidation  (1)Free talk:What are you going to be?I am going to be a ….  (2)T:Everyone has a dream.I hope you ‘re helpful one day.

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