
时间:2023-04-25 21:28:29 教案 我要投稿


` 学  科   __英语_____(第五__册) 主备教师 杜海梅 授 课   时 间   第___周___月__日 使用教师 裴培 课  题 Module5 In Class Unit1 There are enough   教学目标 1. 使学生能听说、认读单词及句子enough,give,every,everyone,them,careful 2、让学生在活动中能正确运用知识。 3、培养学习兴趣,以及乐于助人的好习惯。 教学重点 难点 There is a pencil. There are two pencils. 教学方法及手段 游戏教学法,直观教学法 教学准备 教学卡片  录音机     教学   过程   设计 StepⅠ.Lead in 1、Greeting. 2、Free talk What’s this? What are they? How many pencils? StepⅡ.Presentation 1、(教师搜集一些学生的文具和书) give out to the students,tach the phrase:give out 2. Teacher show a book and ask:What’s this? Ss:It’s a..  T:Every pupil has a book.Teach the word:every 3.With the same method to teach the word:everyone 4.Teacher ask three pupils to the front,and show out three sweets,give them out to the students,ask:Are they enough? Then to teach the new word:enough 5.Teacher show a pen/pencils and ask:What’s this?What are they? How many pens/pencils?  T:There is a pen  There are___pencils. StepⅢ Drill  Teacher show some things,and students make sentences accoding to the things. StepⅣ Practice   Pair work :同桌之间用自己的物品或教室内的物品造句:There is a_____. There are_____. StepⅤ Extension   让学生用所学句型尽可能多造句。 StepⅥ Summary Teacher makes a summary   二次备课   课堂练习设计 Match. give out  每一 child 足够 every 给 enough 孩子       课外作业设计 1. Review the words 2.Copy the words.     板书 设计 Unit1 There are enough give out There is a______. enough  There are______. everyone child         每日词句 There is a book.   教  学 反  思   参考资料       第22课时   学  科   __英语_____(第五__册) 主备教师 杜海梅 授 课   时 间   第___周___月__日 使用教师 裴培 课  题 Module5 In class Unit1 There are enough.   教学目标   2. 让学生能听说会读本课重点句型。There is a pencil. There are fifteen pencils. 3. 让学生能在活动中熟练地运用句型描述物品。 4. 培养学生学习的兴趣,以及团结合作的精神。 教学重点 难点 There is a pencil.  There are fifteen pencils. Is 和are 的用法。 教学方法与手段 游戏教学法,直观教学法 创设情境,让学生在情境中理解知识,掌握知识及运用知识。   教学准备 教学卡片     教学   过程   设计 StepⅠ.Lead in Greeting Review the numbers:1to10 StepⅡ.Presentation 1.Teacher show pictures and ask:What are they? How many apples? Ss:Four.  T:How many boys?  Ss: Four. T:There are enough apples. 2. Teacher show more pictures and ask the students to practice: There are enough____.   3. Teacher show pictures,ask: How many monkeys/bananas? Ss: Four/Three.   T:Are there enough?---- There aren’t enough bananas. 4 Invite three pupils to the front and show out two books, give one book to every child,students make sentence by themselves. StepⅢ Drill Teacher show more pictures and ask the students to talk about the pictures. StepⅣ Practice  Pair work: Students practice with their partner. StepⅤ Extension 抢答题:用There is… There are…描述图片 StepⅥ Summary Teacher makes a summary   二次备课       课堂练习设计 选择 ( )1.There___a bag.   A.is  B.am C.are (  )2.There are______. A.milk  B.apple C.bananas (  )3.—Is there a tiger in the zoo?  --________ A.Yes,there is  B.Yes,it is. C. Yes,there are. (  )4.Please give____the pencils.   A.on  B.at C.out     课外作业设计 1.  Copy the words 2.  Review the sentences     板  书 设  计 Unit1 There are enough There are enough______ There is________ There aren’t enough________ There isn’t_______     每日词句 There are four children.   教  学 反  思   参考资料       第23课时   学  科   __英语_____(第五__册) 主备教师 杜海梅 授 课   时 间   第___周___月__日 使用教师 裴培 课  题 Module5 In class Unit1 There are enough.   教学目标   5. 让学生能听说会读本课重点句型。There are ten pencils in the box. There are enough pencils. 6. 让学生能在活动中熟练地运用句型描述物品。 7. 培养学生学习的兴趣,以及团结合作的精神。 教学重点 难点 There is a pencil.  There are fifteen pencils. Is 和are 的用法。 教学方法与手段 游戏教学法,直观教学法 创设情境,让学生在情境中理解知识,掌握知识及运用知识。   教学准备 教学卡片     教学   过程   设计 StepⅠ.Lead in Greeting Review the numbers:1to10 StepⅡ.Presentation 1. 复习 Review the words of Module 4 2.课文教学 (1)SB练习1 A. T播放磁带,学生听并思考以下问题。 1) How many people are there in this dialogue? 2) What is Sam doing? 3)  Are there enough pencils? B. 听第二遍后学生小组讨论上述问题,并派选手参加每个问题的抢答。在抢答的同时,T把一些单词写在黑板上,领读学生掌握不好的词。T给获胜的小组加分。 示例:enough give every everyone them careful B. 放录音,SS跟读。 a)  俩人一组完成AB练习2 b) SB活动3 学生独自完成此活动,后俩人一组练习描述图。 StepⅢ Drill T准备一些图片或实物,学生练习描述。 例:一大瓶水,俩个小杯子。 There is too much water. There are not enough cups. 许多页纸,俩个小袋子。 There is too much paper. There are not enough bags. StepⅣ Practice  Pair work: 学生根据周围的环境,用句子描述周围物品。 StepⅤ Extension 教师给出多张图片,(有关某个城市或某个区域的),学生描述图片。 StepⅥ Summary Teacher makes a summary   二次备课   课堂练习设计 全班完成AB练习1       课外作业设计 2.  Copy the sentences. 2.  Review the text.     板  书 设  计 Unit1 There are enough There are ten pencils.  There are ten children. There are enough pencils.     每日词句 There are enough pencils.   教  学 反  思   参考资料     第24课时   学  科   __英语_____(第五__册) 主备教师 杜海梅 授 课   时 间   第___周___月__日 使用教师 裴培 课  题 Module5 In class Unit2 There are too many books on the desk.   教学目标   8. 让学生能听说会读本课重点句型。There are too many books on the desk. Who put them on it? 9. 让学生能在活动中熟练地运用句型描述物品。 10. 培养学生学习的兴趣,及爱用英语的好习惯。 教学重点 难点 Too many 也too much的区别与正确使用 教学方法与手段 游戏教学法,直观教学法 创设情境,让学生在情境中理解知识,掌握知识及运用知识。   教学准备 教学卡片     教学   过程   设计 StepⅠ.Lead in Greeting song StepⅡ.Presentation 1.T show many books/pens/pencils/… and ask:What are they? How many…?  Ss: There are…  T:There are too many books/pens/pencils…  Too many+可数名词复数形式 2.With the same method to teach There is too much… 3.Teacher write down some words on the blackboard,students try to practice. For example: cat,dog,apple,pear,milk,cheese,rice, Pupil,desk…  Ss: There are too many cats. /There is too much milk.   …  StepⅢ Drill Part 2 of the student’s book. Try to describe the pictures. StepⅣ Practice  Pair work StepⅤ Extension   让学生用句型造句,规定时间内谁说的多就加分,尽可能把自己会的单词都用上。 StepⅥ Summary Teacher makes a summary   二次备课       课堂练习设计 选择 ( )1.There is too____rice.   A.many  B.m










新标准 英语 三起第五册教学建议与教案04-25
