初中英语八年级Unit 5 Can you come to my pa

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初中英语八年级Unit 5 Can you come to my party?教案

  Title:  Unit 5  Can you come to my party?  (Section B 1a—2c) Teaching hours: 45 minuts Period: Four   Teaching Time: October 15th, 2009   Ⅰ.Chapter Content: Unit 5 Section B 1a—2c   Ⅱ.Analysis of Teaching Material: 本单元来自《Go for it》八年级Unit 5.本单元引导和培养学生学会人际交往的基本常识,如何接受和拒绝别人的邀请,学会写请贴,会制作日程表。我所讲授的是SectionB 1a—2c部分,在SectionA中,学生已经有了运用can 句型发出邀请并作出回应人际交往的基本常识,SectionB 1a—2c部分则深入到把一星期的活动用对话的形式来表达接受和拒绝的邀请。   Ⅲ. Analysis of the students: Students are new for me.This is a big class.It’s a challenge for me.But they have learnt futurn plans in Unit3 and have learnt how to accept and decline invitations.And how to give reasons quietly.So I think it’s not hard for the Students to understand this class.   Ⅳ. Objectives: 1. Knowledge Objectives: a: Vocabulary:  tomorrow,the day after tomirrow,Weekday b: Patterns:  What’s today? It’s Thursday the 15th. Can you ………….. today /tomorrow /the day after tomorrow? Sorry,I can’t. I have to + verb.  today. I am + verb+ing  tomorrow /the day after tomorrow. 2. Ability Objectives: 学会表达星期、日期,学会有礼貌拒绝邀请,并陈诉理由。 3. Moral Objectives: 学会人际交往的基本常识,如何接受和拒绝别人的邀请。   Ⅴ. Teaching key points: 能熟练的运用邀请的方式和有礼貌地接受以及拒绝邀请。 能听、说、读、写本课的重点词汇和句型。   Ⅵ. Teaching Difficult points: 学会用have to + verb.和be + verb+ing有礼貌的拒绝别人不同时间的邀请。   Ⅶ. Teaching Method and Learning Method: 1.  Teaching Method: 五步教学法 任务型教学法 情景教学法 ……… 2. Learning Method: 小组学习法 合作学习法 3. Resources:  PPT、 a small board 、the tape   Ⅷ. Procedures: StepⅠ  Greet and Review a.  Introduce: I’m your new teacher this class.I’m Miss Wang.I hope we can have a good time together. b.  Greet: Hello! How are you? What’s your name? Nice to meet you! c. Review What are you doing on Firday /Saturday /……..? ---Can you come to my birthday party on Saturday? ---Sure,I’d love to.   I’m sorry,I can’t. I have to….. (Thanks for asking.)  (Maybe another time.)   StepⅡ  Present a.  Ask :“How many days are there in a week?” (There are 7 days in a week.) What’re they? What’s the first day /last day? (They’re Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Firday,Saturday.) And write on the blackboard. Say: from Monday to Firday are weekdays. Present weekday and teach. b.  Ask: what day is it today? Help Ss answer: It’s Thursday. Ask: What’s the date today? Help Ss answer: It’s October 15th. Present: What’s today? Help Ss answer: It’s Thursday the 15th.   Teach and read.   Then say: Tomorrow is Firday the 16th.   The day after tomorrow is Saturday the 17th.   Yesterday was Wednesday the 14th. Present:  tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,  yesterday Teach and read. Read the new words and sentences. c. Do 1a Write the dates for this week on the calendar. Do 1b Check the answers. d.  Practice: What’s today? /tomorrow /the day after tomorrow? It’s Thursday the 15th  /Firday the 16th / Saturday the 17th. What was yesterday? It was Wedesday the 14th. e.  Chant; Today is Thursday the 15th Tomorrow is Firday the 16th.   The day after tomorrow,It’s Saturday the 17th.   Yesterday was Wednesday the 14th.   Day,day,weekday,weekend.   StepⅢ  Presentation a. Say: During the weekdays,we have to study and work. Show the form. Students look at the screen. Days Activities today study for a test tomorrow go to the doctor the day after tomorrow have a piano lesson ……… ………… Ask: What do I have to do today?   (You have to + verb. ) What am I doing tomorrow? (You’re verb+ing….) What am I doing the day after tomorrow? (You’re verb+ing….) Present: have to + verb. be+verb+ing (to express your activies) And write on the blackboard. Reapeat these sentences. b. Say:”Today is…..,Mary asks me to go to the movies.” “ Can I go to the movies with Mary?” ①  Help the students make the first conversation with the teacher. T:Can I go to the movies with Mary? S:When? T:Today. S:….. ②  Help the students make the second conversation. Boys:Can Miss Wang go to the go to the movies with Mary? Girls:When? Boys:Today. ……. ③  One student invites the classmates. A: Can you come to my party /go shopping with me /…..? B: Sure,I’d love to. C: I’m sorry,I can’t. I have to … today. D: I’m sorry,I am …. tomorrow. E: ….. ④  Pairwork Students invite each other.   StepⅣ  Listen Finish 2a. Listen again,finish 2b. Then listen and read.   StepⅤ  Pairwork 2c Pole play. Student A is Andy, And student B is Vince. Andy invite Vince to play tennis.   Ⅸ. Exercises: A: Seatwork: 一.单项选择: 1. ----________________? ----It’s Monday the 14th. A. What time is it?  B.What’s today?  C. What day is it? D.What’s the date today? 2. ----Jenny,Could you come to my party tomorrow?   ----_______________. A. Sure,I’d love to.  B. Sorry,I have to study for a test. C. I’m sorry,I am late.  D. A and B 二.补全对话: A:Hi,Vince! B:Yeah,hi,Cindy! A:Vince,_____ you _____ tennis with me? B:When? A:Today. B:Sorry,I _____. I have to go to the doctor and _____ for a test today. A:_____ about tomorrow? B:Sorry,tomorrow I’m ____ soccer and I have a piano l____. A:Oh,well,what are you _____ the day after tomorrow? B:I have to _____ my sister. A:Oh,I see. B:I’m _____,Cindy. I’m really busy this week. 三.汉译英 1. ---你明天能来参加我的生日聚会吗? ---对不起,我不能。我将要照顾我的妹妹。 2.今天他不得不为考试做准备。 3. ---Vince后天能和Andy一起打网球吗? ---抱歉,他不能,他打算去看望他的阿姨。   B: Homework: Make a new conversation. Jim想邀请你和他一起去公园,但你这几天都有事,不能去,请你编一个对话 (A—  Jim,  B---you)   Ⅹ. Writing on the Blackboard: Unit 5  Can you come to my party? (Section B 1a—2c) Miss Wang   Sunday ---weekend  What’s today/ tomorrow/….? Monday  It’s Thursday the 15th/…. have to+verb Tuesday  weekday Wednesday---yesterday-14th  Can you ………? be+verb+ing Thursday -- --today---15th  Sure, I’d love to. Firday ---tomorrow--16th  Sorry,I can’t. I have to …  today Saturday ---the day  am ……. tomorrow after tomorrow-17th  the day after tomorrow   Ⅺ. Teaching Reflection:

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