Lesson 6 Basketball 谢黄娇教案

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Lesson 6 Basketball 谢黄娇教案

  学科   英语(第1册) 主备教师 谢黄娇 授课时间   第1周 9月21日 使用教师 谢黄娇   课题 Lesson 6 Basketball 教学 目标 Know the meaning of the words and the sentences:I like to play basketball. 教学重点与难点   句型:Play basketball打篮球  I like to play basketball我喜欢打篮球 教学方法与手段 TPR儿童教学法  全身动作教学法 教学准备   Book,picture and words card 教学   过程     设计 1,Greeting 2,Warm up:T:Everyone.how are you?   S:Fine,thank you,And you!!   T:I fine too. 3.Review:Father爸爸  Mother 妈妈 Uncle叔叔   Aunt 婶婶 Sister 姐妹  Brother兄弟 4,New steps:T:Class,do you like sports?  S:Yes,we do.   T:Ok,what sports do you like best?   Sa:I like basketball Sb:I like football   T:Ok,let’s read the words together(basketball篮球)   S:Bsketball  Bsketball 篮球 T:Play basketball打篮球 S: Play basketball打篮球 二次备课 T:I like to Play basketball S:I like to  Play basketball 5.Consolidation:Ask some students come to the blackboard to read the words and do the action. 课堂   练习   设计 Read the words and do the action: Basketball 篮球 Play basketball  打篮球 I like to play basketball 我喜欢打篮球   课外作业设计 You can read the words to your parents or your classmates.   板书 设计 Basketball 篮球 Play basketball  打篮球 I like to play basketball 我喜欢打篮球   教学 反思 一节课下来,效果很好,抓住重点和知识点,动作都很适合,但有一点就是时间安排不够恰当。  

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