新目标英语Go for it八年级上Unit 8教案(5)

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新目标英语(Go for it)八年级上Unit 8教案(5)

  第三课时   l 教学内容与分析: 教学内容: Section A. 3a 3b 3c 4 教学目标: a.能听懂,会说:how was your day off ? What did you do on…? 并能在情景中熟练运用。 b.掌握一般过去式及词汇visitor, gift, drive, end, octopus, Chicago  outdoor, off   c.情感教育,尊重他人 l 数学重难点: 本课需要重点掌握句型:.要求学生能替换关键词汇 Class 9 had a great time on the school trip. have a great time/have a good time/enjoy oneself   At the end of the day…掌握一般过去式及词造新句并在实际情景中自如运用。 本课时的难点是:一般过去使的运用,规则动词和不规则动词的一般过去式。一般过去式的肯定句和否定句没。Di you were there 引导的一般疑问句。 l 课前准备: 本课时的教学课件。 相关的录音磁带及录音机。 l教学设计:     教学步骤       建议和说明   ↘热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) enjoy the movie (let’s travel) a. 教师播放录音,师生一起吟唱并观看。 b. 请学生watch the screen进行问答。如: what did I do yesterday? What did I do on vocation? How was your day off? pairs work:“what did you do on last school trip?how was it ?” ↘呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice) 教学句型“Did they go on a trip?” a. guessing game:” What did I do on the last school trip? T: what did class 9 do on their last school trip? Do you know? S: did they ……..? 教学地点名词outdoor pool, Center Park, at the end of… 实际情景中会运用询问和谈论过去发生的事情。 w reading task1 Read the directions. Task 2 Ask students to read the article on their own, and circle the words and phrases they don’t understand. Task 3 Ask students to read the words and phrases they don’t understand, ask other students to explain. reading and correcting Ask students to correct the statements below the article.   .Listening  (5 minutes) (Audio cassette, the recorder) Have Ss listen to the tape and repeat. Encourage Ss to read together with the tape. ‘  Free talk:  Task 1 Writing the following on the blackboard: Places I visited and Things I did . Task 2 Have students write down places they visited and things they did in these places. Task 3 Ask students to read the sample conversations. Have them work in pairs to ask and answer, then change the roles. Were there…? Did you see…? Did you go…? Task 4 Ask some students to say their dialogues to the class . ’ Group work Circle Story Task 1 Read the instructions and point to the picture. Task 2 Ask students to read the sentences to read the sentences in the speech bubbles ,ask other students to add sentences to continue the story. Task 3 Divide the class into groups of four or five students. Ask them to make their own conversations. Task 4 Ask each group to present its conversation to the class .   ↘拓展/巩固(Extension/Consolidation) . Consolidation  (10 minutes) (Photos, the projector) i Have Ss look at the screen to retell the trip about class 9 So does Group ii   fill in the blanks of the article. iii  Call out some to act it out. See who are the best actor and actress.   v完成《作业本》中相应的练习。 wHomework 1  Revise the target language. 2  Revise the simple past tense. 3 Finish off the exercises on exercise book.          在动画片中调动学生情感,营造氛围,导入主题。让学生通过watch and answer来培养学生的语言能力和听力能力并有意识地复习前面学过一般过去发生的事情。使学生在完成任务的同时能有效地复习了前面学过的动词。           this task provides speaking practice using the target language     通过三次带着问题的视听使学生的英语思维得到训练。                   此时知识的适当拓展对学生来说容易接受有不觉得突然。 真实的环境,激起了孩子们说的欲望;难度适中的任务,使大部分孩子有体验成功的机会。因此也容易进入新课的教学。真实的环境有助于孩子们语言的输出。       这是一项综合性活动,集交际、任务、评价等目标于一体,旨在通过实践、参与和合作等途径,培养学生积极的学习态度,发展学生语言活动中的多维能力。采用四人小组对话增加语言练习的量。         该活动非常简单,可以使每个学生都有能力参加。           巩固所学知识,学习与生活紧密结合,学以致用。  

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