新目标英语Go for it九年级上Unit5教案

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新目标英语(Go for it)九年级上Unit5教案

Unit 5 It must belong to Carla  第一课时 Teaching aims 本课学会用情态动词表达物品的所有者 Teaching of new lesson 1、Ask four students to take out the things they brought jacket, T-shirt, CD, toy car 1) Ask the other students T: whose jacket is this ?  S: Anna’s ? T: I think it could be Anna’s. It might be Anna’s. Let’s ask her. Anna, is this your jacket? S2: No, it’s not mine. It must be Lee’s T: It can’t be Anna’s. it must belong to Lee. 2) Ask the students to practice the dialogue with T-shirt, CD, toy car A: Whose … is this?  B: Tom’s A: I think it could be Tom’s. It might be Tom’s. Let’s ask him. Tom, is this your …… ? C: No, it’s not mine. It must be John’s T: It can’t be Tom’s. It must belong to John. 3) Say: When we talk about things we’re not sure of, we use the words: could, might, can’t and must. And pay attention to the words “belong to John”, don’t say “belong to John’s” 2. Point to the picture and ask: Which items in the picture do you know ? Which items are new to you ? Clothing: hat, jacket, T-shirt. Fun things: volleyball, CD, toy car, magazine, book Kitchen things: plate, cups 3. Ask the students to connect the items in the three column Section A, 1b. 先让学生听第一遍,按要求完成1b,更正答案 Jane’s little brother - toy car --- He was the only little kid at the picnic. Mary – book - Wanda Wilbur is her favourite author. Carla – volleyball - She loves volleyball Deng Wen-magazine- He loves cats. Grace – CD – She always listens to classical music. 4. Ask the students to practice using the target language. Whose, volleyball, toy car, magazine, book, CD, must be, belong to 5. 2a. This activity provides listening practice using the target language. a school T-shirt, a hair band, tennis balls. Kumi’s, Linda’s, Rita’s 6. 2b. This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language written by the teacher. Must might could or can’t 7. Extension 利用各种各样的实物或图片,模仿听力的对话模式,让学生进行各种猜测。比如,拿一个同学的文具盒,根据里面的东西,让同学至少用3个猜测的句子要寻找主人,要学会逻辑判断。要求学生能通过自己的判断,得出正确的结论 Homework 利用2c部分的练习,巩固本课的重点内容。 Unit 5  第2课时 Teaching aims 熟练掌握情态动词must, might, could, can’t的用法,学会理解他们在句子中的含义。 Teaching of new lesson Ask the students to practice using the target language given below. 1. T-shirt, whose, could be, might be, must be, belong to, the soccer ball, whose, can’t be, might be, must be, belong to. 2. 2c. Ask students to make their own sentences with the sentence patterns given below. A: Whose notebook is this? B: It must / might be Ming’s …… A: Why do you say it’s Ming’s ? B: Because it was on her desk. 3. Explain the uses of modal verbs(解释情态动词的用法) must ________ 100 percent. might / could _______ 20~80 percent can’t ________ 0 percent. 4. 3a. 展示3a中的图片中女孩,请学生讨论: “What is Linda doing ?” S: She might be playing computer games. / She might be writhing a e-mail to her friend. T: She is writing a thank you message to Ann. 任务1:Reading and put them into right order.让学生阅读句子,如果有生词,在生词上画圈,根据上下文猜猜它们的含义。 生词:symphony, optometrist, appointment, algebra, crucial, anxious. 任务2:Discussion. S: What do you think “symphony” mean ? S: It must mean kind of music. S: Why ? S: Because she went to the symphony hall for a concert. S: Yes, you are right. Ask the students to practice the dialogue using the target language. A: anxious, can’t, find, backpack; B: where, dropped;  C: might be, during, need, because. 5. 3b Talk about the words you don’t understand. Use “can’t , must, could or might ” A: What do you think “anxious” means ? B: Well, it can’t mean “happy ”. A: It might mean “worried ” B: Oh, yes, She’s worried because of her test. 6. 语言点比较:because of, because的用法。 He was late for school because it was raining heavily. He was late for school because of the heavy rain. 7. Extension 利用4的图片。要求学生先在表格中写下自己的猜测。然后参照给出的对话模式以及上一节课的句型和同学进行交流。可以全班自由交谈,可以问问你感兴趣的同学的猜测,并且用Why do you think it must belong to a girl?等句型巩固本单元的语言目标,培养自己的逻辑思维能力。 Homework 将4部分是根据自己的猜测用4—5句话写一段文章。 Unit 5  第3课时 Teaching aims 学会用情态动词must, might, could, can’t对各种情况进行描述,培养自己的判断能力和逻辑思维能力。 Teaching of new lesson 1、Revision 展示一张姚明投篮的图片,篮球刚出手向篮框飞去: T: What do you think about the basketball ?  Will it get into the hoop or just hit the board? Why do you think so ? 让学生根据自己的判断用must, might, could, can’t 这些词进行描述 Yaoming is playing basketball on the playground. He is throwing the ball to the hook. Some players are trying to stop him. I am sure the ball must be able to get into the hook because they can’t stop him. 2. Talk about the words you don’t understand using the target language “can’t, must, could or might” and sentence patterns. A: What do you think “anxious” means ? B: Well, it can’t mean “happy”. A: It might mean “worried”. B: Yes. She’s worried because of her test. 1) sure worried certain 2) allow disagree  permit 3) seek  find  search 4) fashionable ugly  good-looking 3. Talk about your ideas using the target language and sentence patterns A: Here is an earring. The owner can’t be a boy. B: Well, it could be a boy’s. The earring might be a present for his mother. 1) a backpack a girl  might be used for…… 2) a new bike Ling Fang   might be a present her father   bought for…… 3) a T-shirt  Jennifer  might be a present for…… 4. Section B1. This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language. land, alien, creature, strange, grass, escape 2a. 1) Listen and read the instructions. 2) Point to the empty box and fill in the chart. 2b. 1) Ask one of the students to read the instructions. 2) Ask the students to complete the sentences. 3a. 1) Read the instructions and ask the following questions. How is the person feeling ? What was the thing in this article that might be making the strange noses. 2) Underline the things that might be making the strange noises. 5. 3b. Ask the students to write a paragragh on their own then ask someof the students to read in class. Homework 熟读短文,熟记单词。 讨论课本2b的对话游戏,用正确的词或词组完成句子。 Unit 5  第4课时 Teaching aims 通过对情态动词的熟练掌握,运用到阅读理解之中,学会逻辑思维,培养自己的判断能力。 熟练地用情态动词表达说话者的感情和态度。 Teaching of new lesson 1、Shelf Check 1. Ask the students to fill in the blanks on their own. 让学生用所给单词进行填空,检查答案,再用这些词语分别造句。 2. Self Check 2  小组合作学习 Read these proverbs and ask the students to think what these sentences might mean. 猜猜每句谚语可能的意思。 3. Self Check 3 Ask the students to circle the words that don’t belong in each line. 4. Summary the grammar ----- modal verbs. 5. Consolidation and Extension 口语训练Just for fun. 让学生自由谈论图片中的情节。 Homework 1、熟记本单元的单词; 2、读熟本单元的短文及重要句子; 3、掌握本单元的重点句型; 5、根据Section B 3a所给内容写一篇大约60个词的文章,揭开Bell Tower之谜。