七年级英语新目标上unit 7 how much are these p

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七年级英语新目标上unit 7 how much are these pants?教案

更多精彩;英语教师网 英语教师网论坛http://bbs.ewteacher.com     Unit7 How much are these pants?  Section B 3a Teaching goals: 1.New words and phrases: sale, buy, for girls, only, afford , for yourself,price, anybody, clothes store. 2.Key sentences: Anybody can afford it. Come and buy for yourself. Teaching strategies: preparing; cooperating Teaching procedures: StepI课前检测Dictation 1.美元 2.鞋子 3.裤子 4.帮助 5长的 6.想要 7.袜子多少钱? 8.十五美元 9.我有什么能帮助你吗? 10.给你 stepII Memory game A: How much is this T-shirt? B: It’s 24 dollars. Step III Presentation T:Do you like shopping at Parkson Clothes Store? What do you want to buy? Welcome to Miss Zhang’s Clothes Store 3a read the ad and fill in the price tags. First ,Fill in the blanks according to the passage: things colors price for who   /  /   /            /    Step IV Groupwork Group1’ task: retell Group3’sTask: Ask questions: 1.How much are the sweaters? 2.How much are the bags for sports? 3.How much are the T-shirts for girls? 4.How much are the socks for boys? 5.What colors are the T-shirts for girls? Group2’s task: Words &Phrases only: 只, 仅仅 buy sth. for sb./buy sb.sth buy…from sell…to afford  each  at a very good price for girls/ boys “对……来说” in red+颜色 for+价格  on sale Group4’s task :learning difficulties and key sentences. 1.Do you need bags for sports?for“为……所用” 2.We have sweaters at a very good price.以非常优惠的价格at 表示“以……的价格”。 3.For girls, we have T-shirts in red, green and white for only ¥18! 1.for girls中for做介词,表示对象,“对……来说”。 2)介词in在此处表示物品的颜色。 3) for only ¥18 中的介词for表示价 格,意为“以……金额”。 Step V Exercises Read and fill in the blank. Huaxing clothes Store sale Come and buy your clothes____ Huaxing’s greatSale. Do you like sweater/? We have sweaters___ ___ ___ ______ ______-only 25 Do you need bags ___ sports? We also have great bags____only 12! For girls, we have T-shirts____red, green and white for only 18 For boys, you can buy socks for only____! Come and see_____ _______ at Huaxing Clothes  Store! 课后检测Choose the best answer. (  )1.The green shorts are _____ sale for $25.   A. forB. on C. at (  )2.The socks _____ all colors are just 2 yuan.   A. inB. for C. on (  )3.You can buy these shoes __only 20 dollars   A. at  B. for  C. in (  )4.—________color do you like? —White and red.   A.Who B.What C. How much (  )5.—____________ is that hat? —$15. A. How much B. Which C. What color (  )6.—Can I help you? —____________.   A. No, please dont B. Yes, please    C. Youre welcome (  )7.—How much_________ those pants? —Theyre 25 yuan.   A.isB.are C.am (  )8.His clothes________ over there, in    that room. A.is  B.are C.am (  )9.We write ________ our pens.   A.use B.forC.with Step VI Homework: 1 .Writing: open your own clothes store 2.Revision unit 7 课后反思:幻灯片吸引学生,把老师购物的照片制作进去尤其调动了学生积极性;利用记忆游戏复习上节课内容;分组分任务阅读提高学生的自学能力,要充分相信学生,让他们自己学会提出问题,自己解决问题;值得提高的地方课堂英语要简练;。

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