洋思中学教案-英语 教材:人民教育出版社 第二册上

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洋思中学教案-英语 教材:人民教育出版社 第二册(上)

The Teaching Plan of Lesson 27 Properties: Computer, recorder, objects. Teaching Objectives: Solve puzzle dialogues and read and act out adialogue. Language Focus: 1. The ways of suggestions. Why dont you do...? ->Why not do...? How about...? ->What about...? Shall we ...? Lets..... 2. New words and expressions. soccer, centre, popular, quite 3. The differences between soccer and American football. Teaching Procedures: Stepl. 1.Daily greetings. T: Whos on duty today? S1: I am. T: Would you give us a daily report? S1: 0K!.... (If speaks well, give her or him a picture. He or she is one of the most popular football players or the most popular singers. To teach the word“popular”.  2. Topic: Say something about your favourite animal. Step2. Present the teaching aims. Let the Ss read them by themselves. Teaching Aims: 1.To master the ways of making suggestions. 掌握提建议的表达方法. 2 To master the use of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives. 掌握形容词的比较级和最高级的用法。 3.To tell the differences between soccer and American football. 英美足球的不同点 4.To grasp new words and phrases. 掌握本课的生词和词组. Step3.Present the following by showing the slide. 自学竞赛1 Listen to the tape twice and answer the following questions about the dialogue. 听第二部分,回答问题。 1.Whats Li Lei going to do tomorrow? 2.How many players are there on a football team? 3.Which game is more popular in the US,soccer or American football? 比一比,谁先找到答案! Get the students to find out the answers to the questions。 Step4. 自学竞赛2 Read Part 2 alond and try to find out if you have any questions 朗读第二部分,找问题. Ask the students to go over the dialogue quickly to see if they have any questions to ask.Then discuss the questions raised by the students. Step5.Ask the students to read the following and explain some of them if necessaly. 1.a very popular game  2.find out about another kind of football  3.nothing much  4.What kind of football, American football or soccer?  5. call it soccer  6. play the game with the game like this  7. quite popular  8. eleven players in a team  9. Arent all balls round?  10. Not in the USA. Step 6. Ask the students to appreciate the four pictures and sing a song about the two kinds of balls. Step 7. 自学竞赛3  Read Part 2 once more, fill in the form below and try to express the differences between American football and soccer. name Is it round? Use hands or not? Popularor more popular? American football       soccer       Step 8. Enjoy the pictures in a zoo. T: Class! Youre working so hard! Now lets have a rest .Please enjoy the animals in the zoo. Ask the Students to make a similar dialogue like the following andget three pairs to act out. A: Are you free tomorrow? B: I think so. Why? A: Shall we...? B: Good idea. A: What time shall we meet? B:Lets make it.... A: Why not meet a little earlier? B: Sure. What about ...? A: Thats OK. Where shall we meet? B: Lets meet outside the zoo gate. A: All right. See you then Step 9. Ask the students to summarize the ways of suggestions. The ways of suggestions:  Why dont we...?/Why not...?  How/What about...?  Shall we...?  Lets.... Step 10. Show the following sentences and ask the students to read. 1.Why dont we watch a football game?  Why not watch a football game? 2.How about going to the shopping centre?  What about going to the shopping centre? 3.Shall we play football? 4.Lets listen to the most popular song. Step 11. Ask the students to go over all the content to fred out if theyhave some more questions to ask. Ifno questions, test them with a testpaper. Step 12. Sing the ball song to end the class  

【洋思中学教案-英语 教材:人民教育出版社 第二册上】相关文章:









