转载教案 五年级 Unit 5 Look at the Monkey

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转载教案 五年级 Unit 5 Look at the Monkey

PEP五下教案 Unit 5 Look at the Monkey 一、教学内容: PEP Book6 Unit5 Part B Let’s talk. 二、教学目标: 1、复习巩固各种动名词:flying, jumping, walking, running, swimming, sleeping, climbing, fighting, swinging, drinking water。 2、能够听懂会说What are they doing? They’re……,并能在一定的情景中运用。 3、培养学生的注意力和观察力;激发学生的积极思维以及学习英语的兴趣;挖掘学生运用语言的创造能力。 4、培养学生热爱动物的思想感情。 三、教学重难点: 1、重点:New sentence patterns: What are they doing? They’re…… 2、难点:在实际情景中正确运用所学对话。 四、课前准备: 教师:1、磁带 2、课件   3、各种动物图片   4、各种单词、句子卡片   5、分给每小组的表格 学生:1、每组准备两种动物头饰及相关的单词字母。 五、教学过程: Step1: Warm-up/Revision 1.  Let’s sing an English song: Animals, Animals, Are Everywhere. 2. T: Animals are everywhere. Animals are so lovely. Let’s go to the zoo, OK? (课件出示动物园, 图中有几只小鸟在飞, 小鱼在游, 小兔在跳,老虎在奔跑.) T: Do you see the birds? Ss: Yes, I do. They’re flying, flying, flying, shhh T: Do you see the fishes? Ss: Yes, I do. They’re swimming, swimming, swimming, shhh. T: Do you see the rabbits? Ss: Yes, I do. They’re jumping, jumping, jumping, shhh. T: Do you see the tigers? Ss: Yes, I do. They’re running, running, running, shhh. 3. T:There are many animals at the zoo, so the zoo is never boring. Let’s chant: Koalas are sleeping. Kangaroos are leaping. Two bears are fighting. The small bear is biting. A monkey is climbing. A bird is flying! A lion is snoring. The zoo is never boring. Step2: Presentation 1.Let’s try (1)出示磁性黑板,上面贴有六幅动物图(参照英语书上第62页Let’s try部分的图。) T: Hello!Everyone. Do you like them? What are they? S: They’re monkeys /elephants/ tigers. T: What are the monkeys doing? What are the elephants doing? What are the tigers doing? Shhh! Don’t hurry! Look, I have some cards. Can you read? (2)教师一张张出示卡片(climbing, sleeping, swinging, fighting, drinking water)。 请学生读出,并上去贴在相应的动物图下面。剩下最后一张时,教师让学生猜。 T:Guess, what’s the last one? (学生根据相应的图片和卡片,用排除法就可以猜出剩下的一张是什么。) S: Running. (请该生上去贴好。) (3)教师指图问答。 T: What are the monkeys / elephants/tigers doing? S: They’re swinging/ climbing/ sleeping/ fighting/ drinking water/running. (4)Listen and stick. T: Can you do the exercises? Show me your paper. Listen and stick. 请一名学生上来做,其余学生在下面做。听力内容如下:  ①What are the monkeys doing? They’re fighting. ②What are the tigers doing? They’re sleeping. ③What are the elephants doing? They’re drinking water. 2.Let’s talk: What do you see? (1)T: I have many animals’ friends. Look! 课件:出现一个画面,内有9个方格,每个方格上画有一种动物。教师按顺序,点击一次出现一幅画面,再立刻消失,请学生回忆看到了什么。从中培养学生的注意力和瞬时记忆力。方格下面出现问句: What do you see? I see ________________ (2)T:What do you see?  S: I see …(学生回答一个,教师相点击相应的画面。) (3)教师任意点击画面,问: T: What are the … doing? S: They’re … T: What is the … doing? S: It’s … 3. 教学新句:What are they doing? (1)教师点击最后一幅画,只出现elephants的头,不知道在干什么,请学生猜它们在干什么。 T: Look at the elephants. Guess, what are they doing? 把句卡What are they doing?随手贴在黑板上。 S: Are they…? T: Look!They’re drinking water. 把句子They’re drinking water. 随手贴在黑板上。 (2)操练句子What are they doing?They’re drinking water.   跟读,齐读,小组读,开火车,个别读,男女问答等形式操练该句子。 (3)出示词卡:flying, jumping, walking, swimming, climbing. 学生看着词卡,链锁问答: What are they doing? They’re … (4)游戏:玩转盘。 T:Let’s play a game. (玩转盘游戏,转盘上画有各种正在活动的动物) First, read after me. Doing↗, doing↘, what are they doing?  Ss: Doing↗, doing↘, what are they doing? 请猜对的学生回答完就上讲台。 (5)T: Let’s play a guessing game. OK?  S: OK. T: Stand in a line.(对站在讲台上的学生说。)  教师拿词卡给上面的学生看(背对全体学生),请他们做动作。  T: Look! What are they doing?  S: They’re … (6)T: Who want to play the game, again?   请其中的一个六人小组上来,其中组长拿卡片给其中的四个看,并问:  What are they doing? 最后一个学生根据动作猜。 (7)T: Do you want to play the game? Let’s play it in sixth.   下面学生根据刚才示范的进行六人小组活动。 (8)Check. 请其中的一个六人小组上来操练。 T: Oh, you’re very good. Wait a minute. Here you are. 奖给每个学生一个monkey. 4.Let’s talk: Can you see the monkeys? (1) T:Show me your monkeys. (对在讲台上的学生说) T:Hello, boys and girls. Can you see the monkeys? 边问边出示句子:Can you see the monkeys? 并贴在黑板上。 S: Yes. They’re swinging. 根据学生的回答出示句子:Yes. They’re swinging.并贴在黑板上。 (2)操练句子: Can you see the monkeys? Yes. They’re swinging. 操练形式:齐读,分组读,分男女读等。 (3)出示课件。 T: Can you see the monkeys! What are they doing now?   S: Yes. They’re climbing.   T: Where are they?   S: They’re in the tree.   T: Look! There are many animals are coming. Can you see the pandas? S: Yes. They’re climbing. T: Can you ask: Can you see …? 请学生问其他人。 (4)Can you do this form? Please do it in sixth.(根据刚才看过的课件)     jumping swimming climbing swinging running drinking flying Pandas               Elephants               Lions               Tigers               Monkeys               Rabbits               Kangaroos               Koalas                 六人小组完成后,请一小组上来作较对。 Step3: Consolidation and extension. (1)T: There are many animals are coming. Do you know, why? T: Because today they’re taking an animals show. Look! They’re coming. (2)示范: 其中两个人扮演Pandas,在他们的衣服上分别贴有单词:Pandas和 climbing。 两个人扮演Tigers,衣服上分别贴有单词:Tigers和sleeping。另两个人做观众。音乐起。 Pandas:We’re pandas. We’re from China. We can climb trees. (边说边做动作) S1:Look at the pandas. What are they doing? S2: They’re climbing trees. S1: Oh, they’re so lovely. Tigers: Hello! Do you like us? We’re tigers. Oh! We are so tired. We’d like sleeping. S1: Can you see the tigers? S2: Yes. Oh! They’re sleeping. Shhh. (3)Group work. 小组合作:两个学生扮演同一种动物,分两对,剩下两个学生做观众。(如:熊猫和老虎)戴上头饰,并把事先准备的字母 (动物名称及相关的动作词:p, a, n, d, a; c, l, i, m, b, i, n, g. 和t,i,g,e,r,s; s,l,e,e,p,i,n,g.)分别贴在扮演者的身上,并准备台词。 (4)汇演 (5)T: Boys and girls, animals are everywhere. Animals are so lovely. Animals are our friends, too. We must love animals. At the last, let’s say: Animals! Animals! We love you!

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