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新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 1 Alphabet Unit 1 it’s the ABC Song Teaching aims and demands (1) The alphabet Learn to sing the ABC Song. What’s your favourite song? It’s the ABC Song. (2) To foster students’ consciousness of good co-operation Teaching key points and difficult points (1) Sing the ABC Song (2) What’s your favourite song? It’s the ABC Song. Teaching methods (1) Total Physical Response (2) Games Teaching aids: cards audiotape wall map Teaching procedures Step 1: Warm up Free talk with the students about their holiday. Step2: Leading Have the students sing one or two songs they’ve learned before .Then ask”What’s your favourite song/” Explain the meaning and pronunciation of the word favourite Step3 Presentation (1) Put the wall map on the blackboard .Have the students observe the letters .Compare the difference between the big letters and the small letters .Play the tape several times, the students listen, point and sing. (2) Show a set of cards about letters. Help the students read them. Play attention to correct the students’ pronunciation. (3) Finish SB Unit 1 Activity 3 .The students sing and point the relevant pictures. Step 4 practice (1) Play the game Count with the letters, Show the letters with gesture and Hold up the cards of the letters. (2) Do AB Unit 1 exercise 1 Step5: Homework Sing the ABC Song to your family.   新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 1 Alphabet Unit 2 My favourite toy is a car. Teaching aims and demands (1) My\His\Her favourite toy is a car. (2) Vocabulary: toy car ship doll computer game Teaching Functions: Talk about your favourite objects. Key points: My favourite toy is… Difficult point: His\Her\favourite… Teaching methods: Task-based; Games Teaching procedures: Step 1: warm up Sing the ABC Song and A Rainbow Step2: Leading Have the students draw a picture of the rainbow. Then ask: What’s your favourite colour? Step 3: New Concepts (1) Hold up some markers and choose one of them , Say: My favourite colour is … write it on the blackboard. Have the students introduce their favourite colour by using this structure. Choose three or four students , point to them, say: His\Her favourite colour is… (2) Play the tape, the students listen and circle the new words, guess the meaning of them. (3) Explain toy, computer game, car, ship, and doll by drawing simple figures on the blackboard. (4) Play the tape again. The students listen and repeat. (5) Have the students introduce the contents of the text by using the structure  This is…His\Her favourite toy is… Step 4: Practice (1) Have the students make a survey in groups. Each one would finish the form by asking and answering what’s your favourite…   names\things car doll ship Computer game kite bear Xiao wei                                                         Play the game what’s missing? Do the AB Unit 2 exercise 1 and 2 Step 5: Chant Play the tape. Help the students with the chant. Step 6: Homework Ask your family or friends’ favourite toy and colour.     新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 2 Zoo Unit 1 they’re monkey Teaching aims and demands: 1. Describe animals. 2. What’s this? It’s….   What’re they? They’re…. Teaching key points and difficult points: What’s this? It’s …. What’re they? They’re…. Teaching methods: 1. Total Physical Response. 2. Play games to go over animals. Teaching aids: TV, Tape-recorder, pictures  Teaching procedures: Step 1 Warm-up 1. Sings a English song “the ABC song” 2. Let’s watch TV about animals 3. Revision (复习): Play a game “Point to animals” Teacher do action and let students guess animals Step 2 Presentation 1. 创设情景,呈现任务。 创设“世界动物园需要招聘英语小导游”的情景Presentation,提出一定的任务及要求。 2. 观看动画,整体感知。 3. 教师展示声音及画面,让学生做听音猜动物的游戏,检查学生的自学情况。纠正个别单词错误发音,示范单词、句型的用法。 4. 小组协作,并创编表演对话。让学生自己去探索、去发现描述动物特征的基本规律。 5. Let students listen to the tape follow the tape 6. let students act the text Step 3 Homework: 1. Draw a picture about zoo. 2. Make a dialogue in the zoo.     新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 2 Zoo Unit 2 that monkey is fat. Teaching objectives: 1. Words and phrases: tree tall short thin 2. Sentences: This tree is tall. That tree is short. This monkey is thin. That monkey is fat. 3. Grammar: describe animals Teaching procedures: cards, pictures, projection, Tape-recorder Teaching procedures:  A .song: The ABC song  B .Free talk: What’s your favorite color /animal/toy/food?  C New concepts: Step 1 warm-up: 1. Greet. 2. Do it. Review the commands from Module 2 unit 1 (1) Look at the picture: What are they? (2) Listen to the tape guess what the animal it is. 3. Play a game. Sad face or happy face. Step 2 learn a text 1. Take out two apples one is big the other is small say this is big and that is small. 2. Take out a picture of tree tell them how to read “tree” and say “look at the trees. This tree is tall. That tree is short” Take out another picture of monkey tell them how to read “thin” and say “this monkey is fat. That monkey is thin.” 3. Let students act animals let students guess what animals it is. 4. let students listen to the tape follow the tape and then make groups read the chant 5. let students listen to the tape follow the tape to learn the song and then let student make voice let student sing a song. Step 3 homework 1. Recites the text. 2. Sing English song     新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 3 Playground Unit 1 I like football.   Teaching content: Module 3 Playground   Unit 1 I like football. Teaching objectives: 1. Word and phrases: football, basketball table tennis, morning exercises 2. Sentences: I like … I don’t like … Teaching properties: Tape-recorder, objects Teaching procedures: A.  Song: Old MacDonald has a zoo. B. Free talk: 描述一下你家里的宠物或你画的小动物 C.  New concepts: 一. 老师对同学们说今年9月县里要举办九运会,学校为了响应九运会的号召,准备在学校举办体育课外小组,今天派我来调查一下你们都想参加什么项目,并统计一下人数.那么让我们来看看都有什么项目吧.  老师出示足球,问What’s this ?引导同学们说football,找会的同学当小老师,教其他同学说此单词.然后老师将单词写在黑板上,让同学们一起书写,用同样的方法教basketball ,morning exercises, table tennis 游戏:老师说出任意三个单词,同学们找出老师没读的那个,也可以同桌的同学玩此游戏. 二. 老师再拿起足球,边玩边高兴的说I like football.然后将足球扔给接受较快的同学,让他模仿说此句型,再由他扔给其他任何一个同学,以此类推来操练此句型.老师将句型写在黑板上并画上笑脸. 老师再在黑板上写上I don’t like …的句型.并画上哭脸,然后拿篮球说 I don’t like basketball .以同样的传球游戏操练此句型. 三.老师让同学们听录音,听听Panpan的喜好变化,听听他最终喜欢什么体育项目,并引导同学们发现Panpan 是一个有困难就退缩的人,鼓励同学们要不怕困难,做事要坚持到底 。   再让同学们听音模仿跟读课文,并练习表演课文。 四.现在我们已经学完了四个体育项目,那么你们帮我来完成学校安排给我的任务吧。安排四个组长拿好他们各自的球,分别到各组调查同学们喜欢的项目,如果该同学喜欢就说 I like …  并站到该组长的后面,如果不喜欢就说I don’t like…并等待下一位组长的到来,最后统计一下人数。 Homework: 1. 表演课文 2. 按照单词表拼读新单词   Module 3 Unit 1 football. I like  basketball I don’t like table tennis morning exercises.  Design:         新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 3 Playground  Unit 2   I don’t like riding bikes Teaching content: Module3 Playground Unit2 I don’t like riding bikes. Teaching objectives: 1.Words and phrases: swimming, skipping, riding bikes 2.Sentences: I like… I don’t like … Teaching properties: Tape-


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