、10、14师带徒教案 Grade 3 Unit2 Look at me

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2010、10、14师带徒教案 Grade 3 Unit2 Look at me 第五课时

Grade 3 Unit2 Look at me 第五课时   一、教学目标 1、知识目标(1)正确认读单词:body, arm, leg, finger, hand, foot;(2)会使用句型:—Where is your mouth/arm?—Here it is.This is my body / finger. 2、技能目标:(1)说的目标:会用英语准确介绍自己身体各部位。(2)听的目标:能听懂关于身体活动的多个指令,并能根据指令做出相应的动作。 3、情感目标:(1)激发英语学习兴趣,让学生对英语乐学、愿学。(2)通过将英语课堂与音乐和美术学科的结合,培养学生正确的审美情趣。(3)倡导“合作式”学习,培养团结协作的精神,注重培养学生的发散性思维。(4)激励学生爱国情操,为新中国六十华诞学好英语。二、教学重难点重点:准确认读body, arm, leg, finger, hand, foot;能熟练运用英语介绍自己的身体各部位。难点:(1)hand 与 head的区分。(2)学会听、说clap, snap, wave, shake, cross, stamp等词。三、教学媒体设计新的教学理念要求广大英语教师走出以往的教学常规模式——课本、录音机、挂图和卡片,而农村广大英语教师都存在着课时重,电脑知识贫乏的现状,充分利用小学空中英语课堂资源是帮助广大英语教师顺利成长过渡的有力措施。这一课中,我首先利用资源Let’s chant来帮助呈新,再反复播放此节,让学生和着优美的律动反复学唱学做。我还选取Let’s do来辅助教学:clap your hands,wave your arms等。资源将文字、声音和图像融为一体,让学生迅速进入情境、理解情境、表演情境,从而省时高效地帮助教师突破教学的重难点。考虑到我的学生除课本外无任何资料,我充分利用资源的测试部份训练学生,让学生在当堂得到及时的落实。资源Let’s learn部位长达12—13分钟,重点不突出,画面也不算生动,于是我将其全部删去。四、教学过程 1、复习导入(1)课前两分钟开始插放课前录制好且在前课学过的歌曲 If you are happy, touch your head, touch your head, head, head If you are happy, touch your nose, touch your nose, nose, nose If you are happy, touch your head, touch your nose, If you are happy, happy, happy, say OK, O……K……师:L et’s sing together and do it , OK?生:OK.(2)做指五官游戏师:Stand up,please.Touch your head/mouth……Good!Let’s play the game:Touch you nose. If you are wrong,please sit down.Let’s see who is the best!(竖起大拇指)生:OK.师:Touch your nose/face/eye/ear/mouth.……(当游戏进行到还剩下约十五名同学时,让这十五名学生走到讲台前,面向全体学生,教师站在这十五名同学之后,用手势向其余学生做出部位提示,让其余学生根据教师指示一同向15名学生发指令:Touch your face/eye.还剩下约5人时,改变形式,改由学生个人独立发指令)师:Oh, There are only 15 students.Come to the blackboard.Look at me.Then you and me ask them to do.学生:Touch your nose/face.师:Oh, well done.You are wonderful.Now,who’d like to order them?Oh, you have a try.学生:Touch your eye/ear.……师:Good job.Here’s your little present. Here you are.Thank you. Come back to your seat. 2、新课呈新(1)让冠军留在台上。师:Where is your mouth?Here it is?(教师故意将手指向其耳朵,做出询问状)生:No.师:Here it is?(再将手指向其嘴)生:Yes.师:Yes,here it is.(反复三遍)Where is your face?生:Here it is .……师:Good!Thank you.Boys and girls, where is your face?生:Here it is .师:Where is your mouth?生:Here it is .师:Good. Let’s listen to the chant.(2)反复播放chant部位师:Let’s chant together!生:OK………师:Now, stop,work in pairs生:(chant in pairs)师:Lily and Lucy ,you two please do it for us.(3)(事先找两个英语好的帮助呈新教学,课前教会他们body,finger,leg等6个新单词)师:Where is your mouth/face/eye/ear/nose?生:Here it is .师:Where is your body?学生1:Body? Body?学生2:Here it is.师:Good. Where is your finger?学生2:Finger? Finger?学生1:Here it is.(教师边呈新边将单词图片贴于黑板上)师:Thank you .Boys and girls,Lood at the words ,read after me and touch them in your body. Body,body… You are very good.Now let’s look at the screen.(4)先播放Let’s do 部份使用暂停,教clap,snap,wave,cross,shake,stamp,之后再让学生跟着画面一起做。 3、趣味操练(1)师:Are you happy?If you are happy,let’s sing the song “if you are happy”with the new words:clap your hands, snap your fingers ,wave your arms, cross your legs,shake your body and stamp your foot.(屏幕出示歌词) If you are happy ,clap your hands clap your hands,hands hands. If you are happy, snap your fingers,snap your fingers,fingers fingers. If you are happy, clap your hands,snap your fingers . If you are happy,happy,happy. Say OK,O……K……(2)(小组合作,画出想像中的外星人,要求用英语标出外星人身体各部位的名称,且还要会用英语介绍。如This is my body.This is my arm.教师课前设好手机铃声,让手机在规定时间内响铃,教师打开免提,从手机中传来:Ha,ha,ha,I can speak English.I am happy.I will come and join you on Oct 1st 2009.)再接着一字一句汉语:我…是…外…星…人,听…到…了…你…们…唱…歌,等…2…0…0…9 十….月…一…日。师:Oh! An alien.(一个外星人)Why will he come on  Oct 1st  2009?学生:(发挥想象回答,对于提到国庆的学生进行肯定表扬)师: 2009年十月一日是我们祖国六十岁生日,外星人也想来参加。小朋友们,为迎接此盛会我们应该做什么准备?学生:(自由回答)师:大家回答的很好,有一点要强调,那就是要学好英语迎接多方来客!这个外新人也在其中。这个外星人会是什么样子?Think it over! And draw it out .(做出think 和 draw 手势)现在分组画想象中的外星人,要求标出你们所画外星人的各个身体部位名称,并请每组代表上台来展示并介绍你们的外星人。OK?学生:OK!(学生分组准备,教师将资源调到听力测试部份,屏幕上是一张大机器人图片)师:Time is up ,who’s first to show us your picture and intruduce your alien.生:Nice to meet you. I am ……This is my finger…………师:Wonderful.Look at the screen.In my opinion ,the alien is like this.Can you name each part of its body?学生:head,nose,eye,ear……师:Very good.Who can intruduce it?Good!Amy,you have a try.学生:Hello!Nice to meet you , I am……This is ……师:Cool!Let’s listen and number each part of the body.……师:Very well.Let’s listen and repeat after it.I am very happy.Are you happy?If you are happy,let’s sing the song:If you are happy……学生:(Sing the song) 4、课外活动:(1)听本课录音,边听边表演给家长看。(2)回家给家长当小老师,教家长6个新词及clap your hands等6个指令。家长将对“小老师”的评价以短信方式反馈至教师。师:Today’s homework .listen to the tape,sing and do it well.And teach your parent to learn the 6 words and “clap you hands,snap your fingers …”五、设计思路及资源应用分析新教学理念注重跨学科的学习,使学生在不同内容的相互交叉,渗透和整合中开阔视野,提高学习效率和兴趣。我在设计本课时,将音乐、美术与英语紧密结合,让三年组小学生活泼好动的性格特点随着音乐得到发挥,随着美术创新思维。三年组小学生对动画非常喜欢,通过观看资源的动画片,教师可以轻松而准确地呈现(let’s chant 与let’s do)并且还可以强化操练本课的重难点。农村很多学生除课本外无任何学习资料,充分利用资源的测试部份,对教学无疑是有莫大的帮助。本课的“机器人”练习,让学生先听再跟读,无论对其听、说都是很好的训练。  

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