剑桥 I’d like a glass of water第四课时教案

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剑桥 I’d like a glass of water第四课时教案

英华学校小学部英语组备课 年级:六年级   课题:Unit Six I’d like a glass of water. 主备人:黄 清 修改人: Teaching Contents(教学内容):  剑桥少儿英语二级下册第六单元Part eight---ten Teaching aims and demands(目标与要求): ※ Make a total revision about this unit. ※Make sure the students master these two sentence patterns:   ----What would you like?   ----Would you like …? ※Have fun with the words and encourage the students to make more sentences with the words. ※Finish the exercise of part nine. ※Do a brain storm: Read and think about it. Teaching preparations(课前准备):  Tape, a box, some word cards. Teaching steps(教学步骤): 1. Preparation(准备) ①Let’s chant  ----Would you like a cup of tea?  ----Yes, I would.  ----Would you like a glass of milk?  ----No, thank you.   (以欢快节奏的快板导入本课) ②Let’s sing together   Would you like a glass of juice?   Yes, I would.   Would you like a bowl of soup?   No, thank you. (齐唱歌曲。) 2. Presentation(呈现): ①Ask and answer(问答)   ----What would you like?   ----I’d like a cup of tea.   ----Sorry. We don’t have tea. Would you like a cup of coffee? ----Yes, I would. / No, thank you. (通过师生间、生生间的问答复习旧知)  ②Exercise: Read and tick.(练习)   ----What’s the matter? A. I’m a boy. B. I’ve got a new bag. C. My mouth is dry.   ---- Can I help you? A. I can’t help it. B. Yes, you need help. C. Oh yes, please.   (指导学生完成课本第九部分练习) 3. Practice(操练): ①Let’s play: Pick and ask.   A: Put your hand in the box.   B. Pick a slip of paper.   C. Read the word on the paper.   D. Make s sentence.  e. g. milk: Milk is from the cow.   Would you like a glass of milk?   E. Get 10 points for each correct sentence.  ②Read and think.    Guide the students to read the sentence of part ten. Encourage the students to guess and tell the answer.   ※Two bus drives are having a cup of tea in a café. One bus driver is the father of the other bus driver’s son. Who are they? (They are a couple.) 4. Production(产出)   Have you prepared something for us? Who can share?  (检查学生课前所收集的思考题) Exercises in class(课堂练习) 课文第九题:Read and tick. Homework(家庭作业): 1. Read the whole unit after the tape. 2. Play the game with your partner after class. Try to make more sentences. Blackboard Design(板书设计): (略) Teacher’s Notes(教学反思):    

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