Going to different places.第二课时教案

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Going to different places.第二课时教案

英华学校小学部英语组备课 年级:六年级  课题:Going to different places.  主备人:黄 清 Teaching Contents(教学内容):  剑桥Unit one Part Two Teaching aims and demands(目标与要求): ※Go over the words of part one. ※Learn a new pattern:The Past Indefinite Tense ※Enable the students master the new pattern and make sentences about it. ※Tell the students how to make a suitable plan of a holiday. Key and difficult points(教学重难点): KP: The Past Indefinite Tense DP: The new pattern and the verb past Teaching preparations(课前准备):  some pictures about the holiday and tape of this part Teaching steps(教学步骤): 1. Preparation(准备)  ①Let’s guess and say ----It’s a big place you can buy many things. (supermarket) ----It’s a place you can see and read many books in it. (library) (分组竞赛,复习旧知,调动学习积极性)  ②Ask and answer ----What’s the date today? ----What day is it today? ----Where are you going this afternoon? ----Where did you go yesterday? 2. Presentation(呈现):   ①Read and think   ----What’s the date yesterday?   ----Where did you go on your last summer vacation?   (从引导学生描述去年暑假安排引入本课内容) ②Try to read I get up at six every morning. I got up at six yesterday.  I’m going to play in the park tomorrow.  I played in the park yesterday.   3. Practice(操练):  ①Fast Reaction play in the park---- played in the park  go to the zoo----went to the zoo climb the Great Wall----climbed the Great Wall ride a horse----rode a horse see a film----saw a film    ②Look and say    Fred came back to school from a long holiday. He went to lots of places and took lots of pictures. Please look at the pictures and say something about his holiday. ----Fred bought many toys. He swam in a lake….  ③Listen, read and act ----Paul, where did you go on the holidays? ----Oh, I went to many places. ----Did you go to Huang Mountain? ----Yes, I did. I also went to Hainan Island. 4. Production(产出) Suppose you have a holiday now, how do you plan your holiday? Exercises in class(课堂练习)    In the summer time, you have four weeks of holiday. Where would you like to go and what would you like to see? What would you like to do and what would you like to eat? You can write a lot of ideas. Homework(家庭作业):   Read and copy the phrases and sentences. Blackboard Design(板书设计): (见前面) Teacher’s Notes(教学反思):    对于六年级下半学期要求掌握的这个新时态——一般过去式,学生们理解得比较好,能知道该时态与yesterday, last…连用,但在授课时发现学生们在读音方面存在较大误差,如played/pleid/念成/plei/等,需要再花时间专门去进行读音辅导。

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