
时间:2023-04-25 10:24:30 工作计划 我要投稿
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初中英语教育大纲明确提出:“教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来。”随着我国“素质教育”的实施,目前我校初中英语教学正由过去的片面追求升学率的“应试教育”向培养全面发展人才的“素质教育”转变。我校是农村初中,英语素质教育的最主要阵地便是课堂教学。为使课堂教学优化,高效,也为适应素质教学改革与发展规律的需要,培养新时代多能智慧型的学生,根据八年级英语教学大纲、仁爱英语教材八年级(下)、本期教学时间、我校教育设施和本班学生的实际出发制定教学计划。 一、  全册教学目的要求: 1. 本册书中要求分层次掌握的新单词、短语、新句型等。 2. 功能用语与话题: (1) Social communications, Attitudes, Emotions, Talking about a trip, Talking about making reservations for tickets, hotels and so on, Talking about how to raise money, Talking about traffic rules and traffic safety, Talking about direction and position, Talking about cycling races and so on. 3. 语法: (1)、Linking verb + adjective 结构. (2)、Adverbial clauses of reason (原因状语从句) (3)、Equal comparison  (同级比较) (4)、Make/Let + object +… (5)、Infinitives  (动词不定式) (6)、Adverbial clauses of time  (由while, when, before, after, as, until和as soon as引导的时间状语从句) (7)、Adverbial clauses of condition (由if引导的条件状语从句)   (8)、Object clauses  (宾语从句)   (9)、Comparative and superlative degrees of adverbs (副词的比较级和最高级)   (9)、so…that…, so that…, such…that…句型 三、教材重、难点   Unit 5 (1)Learning the words and phrases in Unit 5. (2) Learning to describe feeling and expressing emotions share feelings give advice to others. (3)Mastering the usage of linking Verb + adj./ adv. (4)Mastering the clause of reason Let\make + object + Complement. Unit 6 (1) Learning the words and phrases in Unit 6. (2)Learning to describe express the activities . (3)Talking about traffic rules and warnings freely. (4)Mastering Infinitives Adverbial Clauses of time\condition. Unit 7 (1). Learning the words and phrases in Unit 7. (2) Learning to talk about food festival the ways to cook table manners eating habits . (3).Mastering object Clauses Comparative and Superlative degrees  of adverbs. Unit 8 (1).Learning the words and phrases in Unit 8. (2)Learning talk about types of clothes ways of dressing for different occasions different customs and cultures of dressing. (3)Mastering the result of Adverbial Clause with “so that ” and object Clause.  四、培优补差措施 学困生辅导:1.注重单词拼写练习:音节对应,做到头、脑、眼 耳、口、手并用,随时随地检查。 2.运用图片、实物、动作、猜测、故事、聊天、同义词反义词、模仿等寓学于乐,增强趣味性,让学生们听、説、读、写单词、句子、简短的作文等。 优生辅导:举办英语角活动,督促课内外説英语,用英文汇报表演,鼓励学生具有创造性,不死记硬背并能写出较新颖的作文。  五、减负提质措施 贯彻新课标精神,努力改善学生学习的方式如(Brainstorming, chant, sings, games, pictures, actions and so on)。创设情景、鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动。多用可视资源,提供形象的教具,精讲精练。 六、教学内容安排 1、Weeks 1- 2  Topic 1 , Unit 1 Why all the smiling faces? 2、Week 3 Topic 2 ,Unit 1  I feel better now. 3、Week 4  Topic3 , Unit 1 Many things can affect our feelings. 4、Week 5  Topic 1 , Unit 2  We’re going on a spring field trip. 5、Week 6  Topic 2 ,Unit 2  How about exploring the Ming Tombs? 6、Week 7  Topic 3 , Unit 2  Bicycles are popular. 7、Week 8  Review of Units 5-6 8、Week 9  Topic 1 ,Unit 3 We are preparing for a food festival. 9、Week10  Topic 2 , Unit 3 Cooking is fun! 10、Week11  Topic 3 , Unit 3  Welcome to our food festival! 11、Week12  Review of Unit 7 12、Week13  Topic 1 , Unit 4  What a nice coat! 13、Week14  Topic 2 , Unit 4 Different jobs require different uniforms. 14、Week15 Topic 3 , Unit 4  Let’s go and watch the fashion show. 15、Week16 Review of Unit 8 16、Week17 Review of Units 7-8 17、Week18 Review of Units 5-8










