英文求职信-Management - Assistant Manager

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英文求职信-Management - Assistant Manager

Flat X, 88/F

英文求职信-Management - Assistant Manager

Centre Plaza

Hong Kong

2 January 2001

Mr Ho



Harbour City

Tsim Shat Sui


Dear Mr Ho

Application for the position of Assistant Manager

Enclosed please find my resume I send in response to your advertisement for the above position as published in today's JobsPower.com.

Your advertisement listed 4 requirements for this position and I would like to discuss my experience in light of these requirements:

Experience: I have 5 years' experience in the logistic field in PRC, with 2 years in a supervisory position.

Knowledge: I am well-versed in logistics management of fast moving consumer goods, including fashion, foodstuff, cosmetics, etc.

Management skill: I have managed a small workteam of five.

PR skill: My past job also involves corresponding with a number of departments and external parties, and I have maintained a good client network so far.

Last but not least, I think the most important requirement for this job is motivation, which I am confident to say I am strong at. I am excited and enthusiastic about discussing this unique job opportunity with you in person. Looking forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely

Steven Cheung

Steven Cheung



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