Turnaround 扭亏为盈

时间:2023-05-04 19:51:50 专业词汇 我要投稿
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Turnaround 扭亏为盈

扭亏为盈: 从业绩不良的状态中回升,可指经济、市场或公司。

Turnaround: A recovery from poor performance. Can refer to an economy, a market or a company.

例证:过去两年中,公司已累计净亏损17 亿美元,平均净负债累计超过80 亿美元,但预计公司今年全年将扭亏为盈。中国是ABB 公司继美国和德国之后的第三大市场,并对公司业绩的好转作出了重要贡献。

EXAMPLE: In the last two years, the company had aggregate net losses of $1.7bn and average net debt of more than $8bn but is expected this year to turn a full-year profit. China, the company’s third largest market after the US and Germany, has made an important contribution to this turnround.