
时间:2023-03-10 08:29:04 作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  When it comes to the choice of whether to study abroad or at home, different people have different opinions. Some see more advantages to overseas study, while others believe that the disadvantages outweigh its advantages.


  With the deepening of reform and opening-up of our country, many people can go abroad for further study. They insist that there are more modern research facilities, world famous professors and excellent environment in some foreign colleges and universities, which lay a perfect foundation for their future development. However, there are still many people who favor studying at home. They argue that, for one thing, studying abroad is too expensive and therefore doesn't pay off. For another, there are no language and cultural barriers if they study in our country.


  Just as the old saying goes, “Every advantage has its disadvantage,” so I believe both opinions are acceptable in some sense. If students have the chances and financial resources, they should seize the opportunity to go abroad and broaden their eyes. On the other hand, if conditions don't permit, they can pursue their studies at top universities in our country. What counts is not the place where they study, but what they can learn.


英文作文 篇2

  Dear ××

  I’m sorry to hear that you are afarid of the A1H1M Flu in the USA.I think you shouldn’t be worried if you can come to China and your home town .Here are some ways for you.

  When you want to come to China by plane ,you should go to the hospital first.If you are healthy,you can take the plane.And in the plane.you’d better not talk or play with others.

  If you still want to stay in the USA. You should have some good habbits. For example, don’t go to anywhere where there are lots of people, clean your hands four times a day and usually keep your windows open. If you do these , I think you won’t be worried about that you will get this illneand you’ll keep away from the flu.

  Best wishes, Yours,


英文作文 篇3

  More and more students would like to go to art college to realize their star dreams

  One possible version:

  More and more students would like to go to art college to realize their dream of becoming a star. But I think they spend too much money. Usually, a student spends 5,000 yuan every year for an average college, while 10,000 or even 15,000 yuan for an art college. Besides, some of them have to pay for equipment and private teaching. The cost of tuition has become a heavy burden for those from low-income families.What’s worse, with more and more students graduating from art colleges, it’s more difficult for them to get a job. A graduate has to earn at least 50,000 yuan every year to balance the previous cost, Personally, the art major isn’t only what we can choose. We should choose one suitable for ourselves. It is eye-catching but the payment is heartbreaking.


英文作文 篇4

  There are advantages and disadvantages to coming from a large family. Make that a large family with a single parent, and they double. The disadvantages are never so apparent as when someone wants to go off to college. Parents have cashed in life insurance policies to cover the cost of one year.


  My mother knew that she could not send me to college and pay for it. She worked in a retail store and made just enough to pay the bills and take care of the other children at home. If I wanted to go to college, it was up to me to find out how to get there.


  I found that I qualified for some grants because of the size of our family, my mom"s income and my SAT scores. There was enough to cover school and books, but not enough for room and board. I accepted a job as part of a work-study program. While not glamorous, it was one I could do. I washed dishes in the school cafeteria.


  To help myself study, I made flash cards that fit perfectly on the large metal dishwasher. After I loaded the racks, I stood there and flipped cards, learning the makeup of atoms while water and steam broke them down all around me. I learned how to make y equal to z while placing dishes in stacks. My wrinkled fingers flipped many a card, and many times my tired brain drifted off, and a glass would crash to the floor. My grades went up and down. It was the hardest work I had ever done.


  Just when I thought the bottom was going to drop out of my college career, an angel appeared. Well, one of those that are on earth, without wings.


  “I heard that you need some help,” he said.


  “What do you mean?” I asked, trying to figure out which area of my life he meant.


  “Financially, to stay in school.”


  “Well, I make it okay. I just have trouble working all these hours and finding time to study.”


  “Well, I think I have a way to help you out.”


  He went on to explain that his grandparents needed help on the weekends. All that was required of me was cooking meals and helping them get in and out of bed in the morning and evening. The job paid four hundred dollars a month, twice the money I was making washing dishes. Now I would have time to study. I went to meet his grandparents and accepted the job.


  My first discovery was his grandmother"s great love of music. She spent hours playing her old, off-key piano. One day, she told me I didn"t have enough fun in my life and took it upon herself to teach me the art.


  Grandma was impressed with my ability and encouraged me to continue. Weekends in their house became more than just books and cooking,they were filled with the wonderful sounds of the out-of-tune piano and two very out-of-tune singers.


  When Christmas break came, Grandma got a chest cold, and I was afraid to leave her. I hadn"t been home since Labor Day, and my family was anxious to see me. I agreed to come home, but for two weeks instead of four, so I could return to Grandma and Grandpa. I said my good-byes, arranged for their temporary care and return home.


  As I was loading my car to go back to school, the phone rang.


  “Daneen, don"t rush back,” he said.


  “Why? What"s wrong?” I asked, panic rising.


  “Grandma died last night, and we have decided to put Grandpa in a retirement home. I"m sorry.”


  I hung up the phone feeling like my world had ended. I had lost my friend, and that was far worse than knowing I would have to return to dishwashing.


  I went back at the end of four weeks, asking to begin the work-study program again. The financial aid advisor looked at me as if I had lost my mind. I explained my position, then he smiled and slid me an envelope. “This is for you,” he said.


  It was from grandma. She had known how sick she was. In the envelope was enough money to pay for the rest of my school year and a request that I take piano lessons in her memory.


  I don"t think “The Old Grey Mare” was even played with more feeling than it was my second year in college. Now, years later, when I walk by a piano, I smile and think of Grandma. She is tearing up the ivories in heaven, I am sure.


英文作文 篇5

  There will be a sales promotion on January 20,20xx so as to promote the sales of the goods as well as express thanks to the clients.The sales promotion launched by the Public Relations Department mainly consists of two activities.Any client who has purchased 300 Yuan of goods in the shopping mall on Jan.20,20xx will get a delicate present,and can take part in games with prizes given out.