高中英语作文:Chinas Liu to seek injury adv

时间:2022-08-09 08:26:35 英语作文 我要投稿

高中英语作文:Chinas Liu to seek injury advice in US soon

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高中英语作文:Chinas Liu to seek injury advice in US soon

  hinas world 110m hurdles champion liu iang works out at a training session in inzhuang, shanghai, september 24, .[osports]

  the 25-year-old athens gold medallist will consult medical eperts in three cities, including a stop in houston to meet with doctors who have worked with nba all-star yao ming, titan sports said on wednesday."we will be taking (-ray) images and some materials from inspections for eperts there to have a look at, and have them take a look at liu iangs foot," lius coach sun haiping told the paper."well ask them to provide diagnoses and some suggestions for treatment, but we wont decide on a course of action until weve returned home and weighed up all the options," sun said.

  liu, whose grimacing eit from the first round of the 110 metres hurdles clouded the games for millions of home fans, has been treated with traditional chinese medicine and massage over the past two months.the hurdler is back in light training but sun said last month that he was unlikely to return to competition until net june.sun said chinese doctors would accompany liu on the trip, and continue their course of treatment.

  "unless its absolutely necessary, we will do our best to avoid surgery," said sun.

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