My House Is Beautiful作文200字

时间:2021-07-11 10:11:07 200字作文 我要投稿

My House Is Beautiful作文200字

  I have a beautiful house.There is a small garden in front of it.We can play games in there.There are many trees behind my house.There are so many birds sing songs in the trees.On the left of the house,there is a red car,it's so cool.On the right of the house,there is a kitchen.

My House Is Beautiful作文200字

  My bedroom is on the second floor.There is a bed,a shelf,some books and so on.There is a study next to my bedroom.What's in it?Can you guess?Oh!There is a computer,a sofa,a desk,some books in the study.I like play computer games on the computer.

  Is my house beautiful?What about yours?Could you tell me something about it?

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